The Development

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I had made a decision last night and had talked about it with Jett in breakfast. I told him about how someone threw a rock in my window and he told me that he too had a received a letter. It was a similar message but someone had slid it under his door and it was rigged so that when he opened it he would receive paper cuts across his fingers.

“Funny how we’re the ones being cursed by people.” I had muttered angrily but there was no hint of a joke in my voice.

“They’re taunting us, they want us to get angry but we won’t, we’ll outsmart them and they’ll lose.’ Jett had said, his eyes were darkened by an evil determination he possessed.

It’s another advanced fighting lesson but this time it’s theory and I doze off repeatedly. Miss Davidson is talking about the stages of getting powers, like when do we learn the most, what is the age people normally get their powers, stuff like that.

The world around me blurs and Jett is standing in front of me. He’s smiling mischievously and beckons for me to follow. I walk behind him in a dark tunnel and we reach a massive red throne. A red demon sits on this massive throne, black demons circling around us. The red demon leans in closer, he grabs a hold of me and squeezes, bringing me close to him. He smiles with his rotted sharp teeth and then drops me into his mouth.

I bolt upright; I’m back in the classroom. I sigh inwardly and lean my head back on my shoulder, ready to go back to sleep when something Miss Davidson says catches my attention, “…sudden bursts of anger in this stage of dark power development.”

She’s caught my attention and I listen better than I’ve ever listened before in class. I glance over at Jett who is snoring softly on his desk, his mouth open and drool running down his lip.

I look back at Miss Davidson and the diagram she’s directing to, it’s a body outline with black power surging through it.

“It’s only some dark powered teenagers but the teenagers that do undergo this change have a massive increase of magical strength. The person becomes much more negative and angry; their dark and evil side really awakens in this moment. They look further into magic and delve into the secrets of magic that most never look into and they become powerful foes who can barely control their own emotions let alone power. This only happens to 1 in 10 dark powered people but it’s still best to avoid them at all costs.”

Miss Davidson moves on but my mind wanders on her words. I look at Jett, he’s still sound asleep. This stage she’s talking about, could Jett be going through this? He’s already the strongest in the school; if this happens to him he’ll be unstoppable. Jett is on my side so he would never turn on me, right?

“I have a question,” Troy’s annoying voice calls out from the back of the class and I roll my eyes.

“Yes Troy dear?” Miss Davidson asks, smiling friendly at him, I roll my eyes again.

“It’s about that dark powered stage, how do you tell if they go through that stage?” He questions and a few students murmur in agreement, I can feel their gazes on me.

Miss Davidson looks at me as well, “They have exceptional skill and more willingly fall into the darkness.”

What are you implying? Do I have it? There’s no way I do, I’m stronger than a lot people but that’s because they’re light powered right? I’m not that angry, am I?

Yes I am, I am angry. The class moves on again and I sink further into my chair, I’m happy with friends but I’m so cold to everyone else. A lot of things make me angry and I want to do bad things… the dream where the demon ate me appears back in my mind.

‘Willingly fall into darkness.’ Am I falling?

Something hits my head and snaps me out of my thoughts. I touch my head where the impact was and search for the cause; my fingers touch my hair which has become wet. My eyes spot a large spit ball on the floor and I hurriedly take my fingers away from my hair, disgusted.

I glare at Troy who’s giggling with his friend and pointing at me with some more paper in his hand, his face has been healed by the doctors and I want to break it again.

“Do it again, I dare you.” I hiss at him, a few students hear this and they turn to look at us.

Troy chews more paper and spits it out, throwing it at my face. It’s sloppy, salivary mess rolls off my face, I resist the urge to gag. Rage boils in my stomach and I jump out of my seat, knocking my chair over.

“I’ll fucking burn you so bad your skin peels to the floor,” I growl, stepping closer to him and going to punch him.

Fear flashes across his eyes and he yells for Miss Davidson. Someone grabs my arm but it’s not Miss Davidson because she’s appeared in front of me and is glaring at me.

“Thank you Duke, I’ll take care of her now.” Duke releases my arm, I feel slightly betrayed as I realise it was him and Miss Davidson grabs it, turning me around and pushing me towards the door.

“That dick was spitting shit at me!” I protest, Jett’s awake now and he’s standing, glaring at Troy. Miss Davidson grabs Jett as well and pushes us both out the room.

“Go back to your rooms now; I’ll deal with you two later.” She slams the door on us and we’re left in the silent hallway.

Jett groans, rubbing his face in his hands. “Sorry.” I say and Jett brings his face back up.

He smiles at me and slaps my shoulder playfully, “Don’t worry about it, at least now I can sleep in my bed instead of that uncomfortable desk.”

I smile bitterly in return and we walk back to our rooms. That night we have to wipe down the tables after the dinner, why is my happiness always temporary? Why do so many people have to ruin what little enjoyment I have?


Mini chapter~ needed to fix some loop holes xD

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