The Morphing

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Chapter Nineteen- The Morphing

“I think you’re ready Eva, ready to morph.” Blade announces.

It’s Friday morning, almost a week since I first arrived at the mansion. I haven’t seen much of Valentine since the dinner, when I did see him he would drop hints and advice on my training before walking off back to his study.

I only see Jett and Darcy sometimes, it’s almost as if they are avoiding us and I wonder if they even are training or if they’re just making out or something. Blade and I however are fully concentrated on our training. Zaebos comes to me whenever I summon him, he’s a great companion and we have already learnt so much together. It makes me sort of sad to think of all the years he watched over me and I didn’t even realise. Now that we are together, I look forward to using some of our new skills.

“Finally, so how do I do it?” I ask eagerly, Zaebos caws on my shoulder before flying into the air.

Blade paces before me, like a teacher tutoring a student, “You need to be very concentrated. You need to feel your body change, channel the power through you and control it so that you and change what you look like. You don’t always have to fully morph, so for example I might change only my hands so I can have claws, I’ll demonstrate.”

Blade moves his mouth, slowly at first then it shakes quickly until it suddenly stops. Blade opens his mouth to reveal sharp canine teeth.

“Cool…” I breathe, walking closer to get a better look.

Blade moves his mouth quickly again and smiles a normal teethed smile, “Let’s start with something basic first and preferably less painful.”

“Wait is this..?” I begin but I don’t get to finish my sentence.

“See if you can change your arms into wings.” Blade interrupts.

I stare at my arms, ignoring the fear that this might seriously hurt. I feel my power run through them and I imagine wings in replace of arms. Long black feathers lifting me into the air. Suddenly an image of me with black wings on my back, like an angel, falls into my mind. It’s only for a short while but the wish for it is much stronger than having them on my arms and my back starts to burn.

I gasp from shock and pain, it feels like someone is pouring a freshly made hot coffee in two lines down my back… and then it rips.

I cry with pain but also relief as two massive black wings shoot out from my back. They are enormous; looking from side to side the view of them is incredible. The feel of wings out of my back is definitely worth the pain, it feels like a great release of tension and now I’m completely relaxed.

“Well I said arms not back but I guess that will do.” Blade mutters, his fingers on his chin in thought.

“I only thought of them on my back for like a second.” I insist, but I like them on my back so much more anyway.

“Your power granted you what you wanted more.” Blade explains.

“This is so cool.” I squeal, still admiring my wings.

Let’s go flying! Zaebos caws, circling above me.

“Will you help me?” I ask him, grinning up at him.

Blade watches me cautiously, he sees my grin widen and he steps towards me, “Eva don’t…”

I bend down and lunge into the air, my body spiralling into the air. I release my wings out when I’m high into the air and the wind holds me up. I cry out with laughter and fly in a circle with Zaebos who is cawing happily.

“Eva come down now!” Blade calls angrily.

“Loosen up; this is so much fun!” I shout back down to him. He calls out to me again so I swoop down to him, spinning him around and grabbing him across the waist.

“Eva!” he growls as the ground moves further away from us.

He’s clutching onto me with all his strength, “Eva, I link with a big dog where jumping is the closest thing to flying, I’m not sued to this like you are.” He shouts hurriedly over the sound of the wind.

I slow down and go to a glide, Blade’s legs are dangling and I hold him with my arms hooked under his. I enjoy the serenity for a moment before slowly bringing him back down to the ground. I go to put him gracefully down but he instantly flops to all fours, clutching the ground and breathing heavily.

I laugh, enjoying finally being the one with the upper hand, “Sorry got a little bit carried away.” Zaebos squawks, landing on my shoulder.

Blade nods, slowly pulling himself to his feet, “Whatever. Honestly, it’s annoying how quickly you learn?”

“I learn quick?” I blurt out. I mean I know I learn quicker than light powered but that’s to be expected.

“Yeah, that’s generally what happens when you’re going through ‘Succession’ and you lineage like you do.” Blade mutters, massaging his neck.

“What do you mean?” I ask, of course he knows who my parents were but what do they have to do with anything?

“Never mind, I suppose we might as well see if you can fully morph now.” Blade dismiss the subject with a  flick of his hand.

I groan and focus now on fully morphing. Zaebos flies into the air, off my shoulder, Imagine us flying together!

I do what Zaebos suggests and I imagine us both as crows flying together, over the mansion and through the air. My body begins to tremble and twist. A dizziness threatens to steal my concentration but I pursue the change. I drop to the floor, I can’t stand when my legs are trembling so much and gravity just feels so much stronger. My bones ache, like growing pains but reversed.

I try to lift myself off the ground but I only get into a lunge position. I watch as feathers break through on my arms and my feet suddenly snap into big claws. I look up at Blade and he grows bigger and bigger until he looks like a giant.

I blink and look at my wings, my black feathered body and my claws. I’m a crow. SQWUAAAAARK!I cheer in triumph, taking off into the air.

“Yes congratulations you’re now a household pest.” Blade states, sounding bored.

I swoop down and peck him on the ear. “Hey!” He calls, holding his ear and glaring at me.

I swoop around the other way and peck his neck. “Go away!” Blade yells with frustration, flailing his arms wildly at me.

I caw with amusement and malicious enjoyment as Zaebos joins in with me. “Having a bit of trouble there, Blade?” Darcy calls out a few metres behind him.

Blade spins around; Jett and Darcy walk closer to him. I land on Blade’s head and have a final peck at it. “Seriously Eva stop or I swear I will morph into a Rottweiler and bite you and see how you like it!” Blade shouts, holding onto his head for protection.

“That’s Eva?” Jett asks, looking at me with wonder. It’s weird to see him from such a high angle.

“Yeah, she happened to connect with an annoying bird.” Blade replies gruffly.

I fly to the ground and arc my back, growing. My bones grow painfully and my body stretches out until I a human. “That… was exhilarating.” I breathe, smiling broadly.

“What animal do you connect with, Jett?” Blade asks him now. We haven’t spoken properly in some time and I still don’t even know what animal he links with.

Jett smiles proudly, “Wolf.”

“As if! That’s so mad!” I cry.

Jett smiles proudly, but he shrugs, “I can’t morph yet though.”

“You’re close though!” Darcy encourages him, “Why don’t we all take a break and eat lunch?”

Untold Story (Villain series)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora