The Shamed

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Chapter Three- The shamed

Power Enhancement is my first class for the day, the only class that I beat everyone in. The only problem is, they made sure Jett and I are separated into different classes. I open the door to the girl’s bathroom and I inhale an unhealthy amount of deodorant.

Benches line the walls where girls stand giggling and chatting with their friends, slowly changing their clothes. They fall silent as I enter the room, I glare at the girl closest to me and she stumbles quickly away from me. I walk to the furthest corner, the girls who were there to begin with picked up their things hurriedly and moved further away.

Eventually the girls went back to their annoying chatting, talking about that cute guy or that bitch who said a snide mark and other boring matters. Just hearing parts of their conversation was infuriating.

I finished getting changed before majority of the girls, even the ones who were already getting changed when I walked in. Man they took their time, and for the best subject too! I push open the door to the gym, it’s large structure allows a lot of room for training, benches line the walls and large windows light the hall.

I walk to the centre of the hall, the teacher, Mr Dubee stands in his horrible red shorts and long socks, examining some note pad he held in his hands. I wait impatiently behind him, my arms folded.

Around me, everyone is fooling around with their friends. They yell across the hall as their friends enter and others whisper to their best friends. I roll my eyes, when were we going to start using our powers?

“Okay everyone, class is about to start!” Mr Dubee calls and the class walk over infuriatingly slowly, gathering around the teacher.

“We have decided to make a class just for the more advanced power holders across the school where they can get a higher standard learning. Today we will test you all on your ability, if you wish to re-do it there will be a re-do class after school.” He explains.

The corner of my mouth curls slightly into a smile, I enjoy beating the crap out of the light powered. Mr Dubee blabs on about safety and all that boring stuff so I zone out, up until he says we will test our powers by having a duel.

Yes! I cry inwardly, I almost couldn’t contain my excitement.

The teacher finally shuts up and he gets everyone to sit on the seats at the sides of the gym. I sit away from everyone else but positioned in a spot where I can study the techniques of my classmates.

The battles begin and I watch all my weak classmates fight poorly, some battles were quick and others longer but only a few classmates did I note were the strong ones.

I watch two girls fight when suddenly one of the girls is flown a few metres across the gym by a sun ray and she lands on her elbow. She sobs loudly and there was a moment of awkward pausing while everyone watched awkwardly, waiting to see if she was done for the fight. The teacher ran over with her friend and tried to help her up, she rolled around crying, saying the pain was unbearable.

I couldn’t help but start to giggle. Then my giggles start to turn into bursts over laughter until I sit there laughing loudly. All eyes in the gym turn to look at me, even the cry baby stopped her crying for a moment to stare in horror as I laughed.

Mr Dubee’s face was getting increasingly redder, the way his eyes bulged made me laugh all the harder. I held onto my stomach and tried to stop my laughing. “Oh… I’d say…sorry but…then again…I…really don’t care.” I manage to say through bursts of laughter.

The girl’s friend picks her up with a few other students and they cradle her out of the gym. Mr Dubee has his hands on his hips and is fuming with anger, “Evangeline Mort, since you find it so completely hilarious let’s see how you do in your fight then?”

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