The Sharing

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Chapter Eleven- Under the Tree

-Duke’s Point of View-

I wave goodbye to Jett and Eva as they leave the dining hall. If it wasn’t for them, today would have been so boring; a Saturday spent brooding over my parents and Darla. They are going to have a shower or something, I’ll return to my dorm eventually but right now I need to face my thoughts so I walk slowly through the halls.

Burying my face in my palms, I take a deep breath. Slowly, I lift my head up and take my phone out from my pocket and look at the message I had received from Darla earlier today, it read:


I’m sorry but right now, things aren’t working out between us.

Until you fix things up, I don’t want to be a part of your life.

There’s too much drama, I can’t handle it right now.

I have read over it many times in the bathroom. When I had heard my phone go off for a message and I saw it was from Darla I quickly excuse myself to Jett and Eva and hurried to the nearest private spot where I could read it. I can’t believe she would send me this; she’s always been so nice. The message hurts me so much, to think she couldn’t even ring me and break up with me, it had to be a freaking text message.

I’m so caught up in my thoughts that I hadn’t heard Miss Davidson walk up behind me. “Hello Duke.” She says cheerfully and I jump with surprise, quickly putting my phone back inside my pocket.

“Miss Davidson,” I greet her, “Sorry I was distracted. Don’t you take the weekends off?” I add, trying to say something so she doesn’t ask me what’s wrong. I hadn’t really meant to say it and it burst out awkwardly.

Luckily she only laughs nicely, “Not recently… Duke I want to warn you, I want you to stay away from Eva and Jett.”

“Why?” I ask, the shock clear in my voice. Why the hell does everyone have to be so prejudice to them? First Darla and now Miss Davidson too, what is this?

“It’s not just because they’re dark powered Duke, if that’s what you’re thinking. Jett and Eva… they’re different and someone by the name of Valentine Ikol has his eyes on them…” Miss Davidson explains.

I gulp, that name. That horrible name, the reason my parents are in so much of a mess.

“I’ve tried contacting their parents as to why Valentine is after them but Jett’s parents but they won’t talk to me about it,” Miss Davidson continued.

“They have parents?” The question is stupid, of course they have parents! But I didn’t mean it like that, everyone always assumes they’re orphans or something.

Miss Davidson sighs sadly but she smiles, shaking her head gently, “You don’t know that much about them do you?” Her eyes watch me with pity.

Her question catches me off guard, it’s weird to think that I only really started talking to them last week yet I feel so close to them, I regard them both so highly.

“I’m not going to stay away from them, even if this Valentine guy is interested in them.” I say after a pause, I’m sure about this answer. There’s no way my friends will get pulled into some sick mess of his.

“Somehow, I had a feeling you’d say that,” Miss Davidson places a gentle hand on my shoulder, “It’s good you’re so caring, you’re a lot braver then I am. Sometimes I’m too harsh on them, but… I’m scared of them. They’re going through that phase… when I was younger my family was attacked by dark powered people, no one was killed but seeing such a  large group of threatening people, some the same age as Jett and Eva are now… it’s scared me so much I’ve come to hate them. However, if you are in trouble you must tell me. Goodnight Duke.”

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