The Losing

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Chapter Twelve

I wake up, full of excitement and I jump out of my bed, throwing open my closet. My eyes scan its contents searching for something… nice. I pick out a red tartan with black lace skirt and a rib cage tank top with some high lace-up boots. I pause as I fix my hair, my black hair reaches my waist now but the green which is dyed in a section of my hair and half my fringe is starting to fade. I should probably re-dye my hair soon. Pulling my criticizing gaze away from the mirror, I head out of my room and across the hall to Jett’s.

It’s 10am but I don’t care if he’s still sleeping, he needs to listen to me talk about last night. After Duke and I had kissed we talked for another hour or so before reluctantly going to sleep. Even though it was so late it took me a while before I could actually sleep. Butterflies overran my stomach and every time my mind almost drifted off into sleep, Duke’s face popped into my mind and I was wide awake again.

The only thing that worries me is the fact he has just broken up with Darla, it might not even have been a break up. What if Duke only kissed me because he missed Darla?

Pushing the horrid thought aside, I knock on Jett’s door repeatedly. An annoyed and sleepy moan responds to my knocking,

“I’m coming in Jett so you better have pants on.” I call through the door. Giving him a few seconds to prepare himself I burst the door open.

Jett’s still in his bed, his top is off and he has the blankets pulled up to his arms. His tattooed arm hangs loosely down the side of the bed.

“I have to tell you something!” I say quietly, I couldn’t hide the excitement in my voice.

Jett moans again, turning around to face me and lifting himself up. He wipes his eyes with his heads, giving me a pained look. “Yes, Eva dear?”

I squeal uncharacteristically and jump onto Jett’s bed, sitting down next to his legs, “Last night… I was near the garden... and Duke… well… we…” I squeal again, not being able to put it into words. This is so unlike me, all we did was kiss yet it’s completely changing how I normally act.

“Whoa, did you guys fuck?” Jett’s eyes widened and his jaw drops.

“No!” I cry, slapping my palm to my face sounding offended even though I’m smiling.

“Second base then?” Jett raises his eyebrow, I shake my head. Jett sighs and takes another guess, “Just kissed?”

I nod repeatedly, feeling my cheeks redden. Jett raises an eyebrow mumbling, “Interesting, it seems I have just experienced the hidden girly Eva that I thought died a long time ago.”

I slap his arm, smirking. “I’m not girly.”

Jett nods, rolling his eyes, “Oh yes of course.” He pushes me off his bed, “Now go away, spare me your girly details, you’ve already awakened me so I guess we should go have breakfast and say hi to Duke.”

-Duke’s Point of View-

What the hell have I done? Eva kissed me last night, but that isn’t what’s bad. The fact that I enjoyed it so much and the fact that I want to find her right now and bring her in my arms and kiss her again is what’s bad.

The reason I feel so bad is that I don’t know if Darla and I are still together. I guess we aren’t but what if we are? I love Darla, I think. I pace around my room and my eyes fall to a photo I had taken of Darla and I. We were in the school gym; her lips pressed against my cheek.

I cry out in frustration, who do I want to be with?

I have to talk to Eva and work this out. I put my shoes on and head out my room and down the hall. Thoughts and questions run through my head like; I wonder how Eva feels? Did she like the kiss as much as I did? I ignore them all, humming a tune from a song to try and distract myself.

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