The Beginning

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Chapter Eight- The Beginning

When we had left Darla and Duke by themselves Jett and I talked about what a war between the powers could mean for us. Having so little information we decided we would have to stoop to the lowest we have ever stooped to gain information.

So, Tuesday after school, Jett and I are standing outside Miss Davidson’s office, out of our own free will. Jett looks back at me nervously, I nod encouragingly, we need to do this. Jett exhales the breath he had been holding and knocks on the door, a sunny reply instantly follows telling us to come in.

Jett reluctantly reaches his hand out and turns the knob and we file into the room. The room is bright, a large window behind the desk that sat in the middle. There is piles of things everywhere, from notes to assignment papers to letters from students. There is a large bookcase on the left side and chairs on the right. On her desk is her name plate: Laura Davidson: Principal and a book statuette saying ‘best teacher ever’.

Miss Davidson looks up at us from her book and up from her glasses. Shock evident on her face as she realises it’s us. “What are you two doing here?” she shrieks, Jett and I both flinch.

Pull yourself together, we haven’t done anything wrong! Yet it’s embarrassing how scary this situation really is for me. I say to Miss Davidson, “We want to ask you something.”

She blinks repeatedly, as if it would make us disappear. She fumbles with her glasses as she takes them off slowly and looks back at us, “Well?”

Jett takes a breath, “We have heard that…there is some…conflict going on outside of the school.” He begins lengthly.

Miss Davidson’s eyes narrow, she knows what we are talking about, “You two were the two people I was hoping would be the last to find out about that.”

“We just want to know what it’s about.” I explain, she’s getting suspicious of us but for once there is no reason for her to be.

Miss Davidson eyes us carefully for a minute; there’s a complete silence in the room. After what seems like an eternity she sighs, “A man named Valentine Ikol has started a war with a man named Henry Roht, Henry is good and Valentine is bad. We have improved our teaching methods and have been preparing everyone for the worst, for now things aren’t bad but it’s only the beginning. Not only are light powered people being murdered but mortals too. Jett and Eva, make sure you know what side you’re on.” She glares at us for a few moments before hissing, “Get out.

Jett and I do as we’re told, we hurry out of the room, happy to be away from her as we walk down the halls. “Did you notice how she emphasized on the good and bad? And as if we have a choice on what side we’re on!” Jett whispers angrily to me.

“We do, Jett. Just because we’re born dark doesn’t mean we are actually evil, does it?” As I said the words I realised how naïve they sounded, yet would we really be put with the people who would start a war. A sick feeling boiled in my stomach, Jett’s right but I can’t bring myself to accept it. Up until now everything has been just games and fun but now… things are serious.

“Do you really want to be on the side with people who are going to hate every tiny aspect of our existence?” Jett retorted, anger present in his voice.

I shook my head, biting my lip, “Not everyone is like that though… there’s Duke.”

Jett glares at me, the ferocity in his eyes make me stop in my spot, it’s a look I’ve never seen before. A mature anger, there is no room for forgiveness in that look. “How do we know we can trust him?” Jett growls.

I swallow, not answering. He’s right, I have no reason to trust him… yet for some reason I do. Maybe it’s that naivety. 

 Jett finally stops glaring at me and faces ahead of him, I let out a breath I didn’t realise I had been holding in. “Come on, let’s go.” He says softly. The anger I had just experienced is gone, as if it had never been there but I know that it’s locked away somewhere and it will return. A look like that doesn’t just appear and then disappear entirely.

Jett storms off to his room, now isn’t the time to talk to him so I walk back down the halls, wanting to get as far away from everything around me. All this time I have been so stupid, so naïve. Those cruel pranks and mean tricks were all just empty cries for the attention I knew I lacked. To think that after high school the world would be better and I could get a normal job like everyone else where there would be no discrimination. Of course that isn’t the case though; I have been the way I have because it feels right for me. I have dug myself a hole where everyone’s expectations of me being the bully bury me under its suffocating dirt and now, it seems like Jett I will really start to be ‘evil’.

My thoughts plague my mind and take so much of my concentration that I run into someone. Out of instinct, I look up at snarl at the person, ready to start fighting but I quickly take the expression off my face as I see it’s Duke.

“What’s wrong?” He asks, his eyes gazing into mine with tender care.

I hug my arms, turning away from him. Why does he have to care? “Nothing.” I reply but it’s obvious by my reluctant actions that everything is wrong.

“Want to take a walk?” He offers, making me look back at him.

I sigh heavily, looking around at the afternoon setting. I want to say no but truthfully I do want to, a walk with Duke seems like the best thing right now. “…Ok.” I accept after a long pause.

We walk away from the doorway which we had been standing in, the campus is becoming darker as the sun slowly sets. “I hear you’re in the tournament tomorrow.” Duke says after a while.

The tournament, I had completely forgotten! The tournament is to see who is the strongest fighter, Willow Daytime has one every year. Usually Jett and I get disqualified but this year we hadn’t yet. It has been 2 years since I last fought in the tournament and 3 for Jett. This year is different however; there is over 100 people in the tournament and the people who show the best potential will be put in the new advanced class.

“I’m in it too,” Duke continues, “But Darla wants me to drop out.”

“Why?” I exclaim, how could she let him miss out on such a valuable chance to receive better learning?

“She doesn’t want me to get hurt,” Duke winces for a second but cracks into a smile, “She cares a lot.”

I roll my eyes; no she’s just over emotional and annoying. “Don’t worry you have practically the whole school on your side.”

Duke laughs modestly, shaking my comment aside. A sudden high pitched voice calls from behind us and we turn around to see Darla waving desperately.

She runs over to us and grabs onto Duke’s arm, “Baby, we need to talk!”

I twitch, looking away. The way she grips onto his arm and stares up into his eyes is sickening. “I’ll see you tomorrow Eva, good luck.” Duke says and he walks off with Darla.

I watch them go, hand in hand with Darla’s eyes never leaving his profile. I sigh, walking another lap around the grounds before my legs begin to get tired and I return to the dorms. As I walk down the halls, I pass Darla’s room. Darla is yelling and it takes me off guard for a moment. I heard a second male voice in the conversion that sounds annoyed but isn’t yelling. I quickly walk off, Duke and Darla are fighting and for some reason it felt weird to hear.

The day’s anxieties had been forgotten as I talked with Duke when I went for the walk but hearing them argue just made me think to the war and the sick feeling in my stomach returned. When I finally settle in for the bed my mind is still abuzz with questions and worries. It’s a while before I finally fall asleep.

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