chapter | two

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ch 2

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ch 2. gotta blast

I stepped back to admire my new work of art. But, something was missing. I had a feeling in my stomach. What? My stomach is always right. When she grumbles, she's hungry. When she grows, she's full.

Anyway; I'm getting a little off track. What's missing?

Fresh blood-red spray paint threats over the walls, check. The principal was going to love those.

Smashed football and cheerleading trophies, special check. Ok, you got me there. That was more revenge on the footballers and cheerleaders then the principal. Kill two birds with one stone. Am I right? Or am I right?

Broken desks and chairs, check. I looked around the room, only now noticing how crazy I went, the wooden chairs now resembled more of a pointy spear or stake.

Hopefully, Sir won't fall and accidentally impale himself.

I laughed darkly. See now; I don't understand why people don't like me,

I'm a comedian.

Scratch that. I know exactly why people don't like me, they classify me as dangerous, sinister, heartless some might even go as far as to say the daughter of Lucifer himself. That last one I couldn't agree more, my "Father" was a fucking devil.


Bingo, that's what I forgot!

How could I forget my personal trademark of a typical Sasha revenge plot? I smirked, as I pulled my match packet out of my bag and looked around the room, I scanned the room for the biggest pile of paper. Which might I add, wasn't hard in the slightest?

Situated in the middle of the room was a pile of all the papers that I had scrunched up and pulled out of books earlier when I was on my rampage.

I lit the match and chucked it onto the paper and watched as a small flame grew, spreading through all of the papers in seconds.

It's funny how now in a room full of destruction, I was reminded of a quote from my past.

The very fire of hell is the fire of love. But it is the love, which will burn the evil out of you.

Bullshit absolute Bullshit. Love is the evil; it doesn't burn the evil out, it puts the evil inside. Love is a fire, a dark one. Love consumes you and makes you feel as if you're truly cared for like people value your very existence.

I loved them. They, put that fire inside of me, then watched the dark flames spread and kill the girl that I once was.

They stood and watched as it spread through me making happy memories into horrible reminders of a perfect life, a life that I no longer had.

I'm not dumb; I know that I am a broken monster. I know I am evil, I know that the dark fire of love had broken me. They had broken me.

I turned my head from the small fire in the office; I know that if I looked any longer, I would stand and let the fire burn me and take me.


Fuck. Fuck. FUCK! I had completely forgotten about the police and firefighters. I can not get caught again; my mother will lose her shit if she finds out that I was trashing my Principle and her current boyfriend's office. Yes I know, I'm sorry, I forgot to mention the tiny tinnie detail.


I picked up my bag and looked for a way out of the office, if I went the way I came in, the police would easily see me. Think Sasha come on. Aha! The window on the other side of the room, classic escape root. I ran around the fire, not allowing the flames to lick my clothes.

I arrived in front of the window in seconds and tried pulling it open; it wouldn't budge. I tried again. Fuck, since when did this window not open? The fire behind me was spreading, and the police were coming, this window was literally my only possible escape.

Guess I'm going to have to smash it.

I turned and looked around for something to chuck at the window. Shit I couldn't reach anything, everything I could use as ammo, was behind the fire and I couldn't go the same way I came, it was too late, I would get badly burnt.

Maybe that fire was not such a good idea after all, my black heel nudged something, and I looked down. Bingo, his laptop was now under my stilettos. Without a second thought, I picked it up and chucked it as hard as I could at the window causing it to smash loudly, glass shatter everywhere.

I threw my bag out the window and leaned down to take my heals off. Come on kids; I can't possibly jump out a window with heels on and not break my ankles.

I hauled myself and the heels out the window dropping one in the process. Now I sat on the window sill, all I had to do was jump, and I would escape and complete my mission. Come on Sasha you can do it. I braced myself.

Then, I jumped.

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