Chapter ThirtyOne

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After the month of April finally ended and we started May, we enjoyed our last month of being in school together. All of us hung out almost everyday after school, and went over to each other's houses. By the last two weeks of school, Seniors got called first to get their yearbooks.

"I hope you reserved the first page for me," I tell Dennis as we look through our yearbooks at Aiden's house.

"Definitely, and I hope you did the same for me. I'll take up the whole page, so no one, writes on my page!"

I laugh, "Fine, but why don't you do it now so no one will be tempted." I give him my yearbook.

"Watch Leo be that one to write on a reserved page," Antoinette says coming from the kitchen.

"Hey, no one tells me when they give me their book that certain pages are reserved," he replies.

We all laugh as Giselle and Aiden come from the kitchen with sandwiches and chips. I grab some chips and look at Dennis so focused in whatever he is writing in my yearbook.

"You must be writing an essay," I tell him.

"Shhh... don't make me mess up," he says as he keeps writing.

I laugh and grab his book from his other side. I look through the last school year and smile at how great my life has been from all of the involvement of Dennis and my new friends. I look through the photos of clubs, and sports. There is a huge picture of Dennis catching a ball in the sports section of the yearbook. I grab one of the Sharpie markers and write something on it

"I love this picture," I tell him showing the picture of him.

Dennis looks up and smiles, "That's a great picture; I didn't see it until now," he glances at it, then focuses back on his writing.

"It's like a perfect shot," Giselle says behind us taking her seat on the opposite couch.

"So guys, what are we going to do today?" Leo asks us.

"Are you bored already?" Antoinette smirks.

He shakes his head, "Yes, let's go out,"

"Where shall we go?" Aiden asks annoyed.

"Rollerskating, at the rollerskating rink about 30 minutes away,"

I smile. That roller skating rink. The one where Dennis and I had our first date. The same one where we had our first kiss. I look over to Dennis and he has stopped writing. He looks over at me and smiles.

"I'd like that," Dennis says while he looks at me.

"Same here," I say.

"See!" Leo points, "Den Den and Leiah are in,"

"I know why," Antoinette says looking at us, "It's their first date spot,"

"Yeah, it is, and it would be great to bring back some good memories,"

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"Are you sure those are clean?" Antoinette asks the man behind the shoe counter.

"Ant, just get your shoes already," I say to her, "We're about to go onto the rink!"

"Okay, I'll just take the size seven." She puts on her shoes and I hold her hand so she doesn't trip while we walk back to our group.

"Finally you're ready, let's go!" Leo says taking Antoinette from me and pulling her onto the rink.

"Too fast Leo gosh!" she screams at him.

I laugh as Dennis grabs me and motions me onto the rink.

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