The Dark Trio - Luna

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Flash back
I was painting in my room, well I was really painting the walls. Mother found a way for me to paint and paint the house but the picture would shrink so I could paint more. I was about nine you see. Only child made me sometimes lonely but I got the Thresals and the Nargals. Father has being very busy he just started the Quibbler, father says I can join him when I start Hogwarts! I just can't wait, you get to learn magic! Magic is interesting, you see you get to see awesome magic that can turn a pot to a cat. 

Make things fly even get to learn defensive spells, Father thinks I'll never need them but I see a dark future for someone. Any way I hear a loud bang, probably from Mother making a new spell. I think she is trying to make a spell strong enough to stop some unforgivable curse. Mother won't tell me what she is practicing and Father worries for her. She says she won't hurt herself doing it and I believe her. Even if she did I won't blame her. Sometimes Mother lets me see her do the magic, that hardly ever happens but it does sometime. "Luna dear, do you want to see something?" 

Just like that I put my paint brushes in a pot of water and jumped out of my room. I had to run down to the bottom floor, under the kitchen. Mother said they used it when Death Eaters tried attacking of course it has never happen to them but has happen to other. I got down to where mother was and my father was already there, she showed me who to get birds and colour things. then she said she knew a spell what is more deadly than the killing curse! "honey do you think it's a good idea?" she gave him a look, a look i have never seen. 

"i want to show you but if you really think i'm gonna die what about we hug?" my mother asked and my father when to her and hugged, i think the kissed but i didn't look cause it's there moment. my mother walked to me and just said "believe" she walked to the rat she was going to show it was better then the Killing curse. she just yelled "Bombardah keddavrah" bright green shot out her wand, she killed the rat then an explosion came. my father yelled "Honey NOOOOOOO PANDORA, MOVE!!!!!" he runs to her unmoved body, i think she just die! my mother die. father shook her "PANDORA WAKE UP, LUNA GO TO THE WEASLEY NOW!!!!" father shouted at me, at first i was scared.

 i looked at my mother, closed eyes. lips partly open and her skin white as snow, i walked to father and sat next to mother. she was cold, then i saw blood. not mine or my fathers but my mothers. there is no way she is living, i hugged she and just said "i love you" my father got the floo powder and ran to the fireplace and yelled "THE BURROW" I turned up on the floor coughing mrs Weasley came and saw me.

(end of flash back)

i wake up looking at the roof, it was a picture of Mother and i. i looked at the window, and saw the Thresals. i hop out of bed and put a robe on, i grab a blanket. i walk down the stairs past my father's room. ever since the accident he has being a heavy sleeper.  i look at him he is still sleeping on his side of the bed, he hasn't even touch were my mother's side was. sometimes i go sleep with him. i walk down and grab a piece of meat, i think it was chicken but the Thresals dont really care what meat they get. i walk out the front door and go the Thresal they were on a bright green grass, with patches of wild flowers and lots of trees.  a baby Thresal came up no cause of the smell of meat. i pass the meat to the Threasl.

after the Threasl ate the meat i layed down on the ground, i got the blanket out and layed there. the Threasl came and layed next me. then the next one came, then most of the Threasl came and layed around me. i don't understand why people hate them so much! they are lovely animals they get misjudge all the time like Werewolves. 

my eyes when into the darkness and fell asleep, the Threasl bony bodys me. kept me warm. by looking in the sky it's only 8 and it's quite dark. 


Why ya think?

luna Lovegood

The Dark Trio (The Philosophers Stone) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now