Her frizzy hair

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edited 26/4/17

Bella didn't get out of exams. No matter how much she used the 'i am younger' and 'i was at a different school' card she still had to do the exams, she was instructed to go straight to the headmaster's head quarters after all her exams, curious. She would try to find an excuse to go see her friends but she haven't really seen them, Bella would try to catch a glimpse of them during the exams, but it was no use.

Bella's neck didn't hurt, it felt like it was relaxed. The mark wasn't very bright but the headmaster forced her to have her hair up, thank merlin for her frizzy hair. It covered her mark perfectly. She walked to the headmaster's, said the passcode and walked in on the headmaster, Professor Snape, McGonagall and Quirrell, this got her curious - well at least more curious then before. She snuck in, being seen by already all the professors have stopped talking. Kill joys.

"Miss Gaunt, i have an urgent owl from the Ministry of Magic and i must fly off for London at once" Bella nodded. "Due to my absence, someone needs to look after you" Bella smiled brightly to Professor McGonagall "Minerva will be busy running the school while i am absent and Severus had kindly declined while Quirinus said he will be happy to look after you." Bella nodded slowly, "off you go"

Bella walked out of the headmasters office and started walking she saw Harry, Jessica, Hermione and Ron all looking quite sour. Professor stuttered to her to say goodbye, she very well did. She walked over to them while Jessica was speaking. "How are you sure its tonight?" they all looked around to Bella and said hi. Harry was the first to hug her.

"Bella! I missed you, one day your yelling at Snape and the next you sick and the next you can't communicate with anyone! Why is that?" Harry asked. Bella noticed Professor Snape was behind her. "Well Miss gaunt, you better go." he snarled, Bella could see Jessica was about to burst into flames. No kidding. "Don't want you to die on Professor Quirrell's watch"

Her group of friends were surprised to hear she was staying with the vampire afraid Defence Against the Dark Arts Professor, she lowered her head and walked with Professor Quirrell to his headquarters, he was rather fidgety. With her head lowered it gave her some time to think. What could he be afraid of? When they got inside she sat down, what felt like hours was hours. She missed lunch and dinner, what a terrible professor. She faked to be asleep when she started hearing the professor speaking to himself.

"Yes master"

"I will master"

"It will happen master"

What was he? A slave to a dark force. Bella laughed a lot but quickly muffled it with her hand, she watched the professor leave the room, leaving the door open. Bella followed. She followed every turn, having to hide from Mrs Norris, she has it bad for Bella, always meowing when ever she is just breathing. She followed the professor on the 7th floor, didn't the headmaster say something about not going up there? she debated for about 5 seconds and decided to follow.

A door was opened and harms were being played, Bella walked in and nearly tripped over, the three headed dog was guarding an open trapdoor. Bella tripped down into some green plants, the thing about getting mixed up with British spells and American teaching is they are completely different. Bella was screwed, may as well make her last peaceful moment now. She fell out of the plant, strange.

A door was just opened, a room full of flying keys? and the door was closing, Bella quickly ran and slipped though the door, who was her DADA Professor? A spy? An Agent? She crept in to see Professor Quirrell on a chess piece, it was a human size chess piece. She quickly hid behind the king, it started moving but she didn't move an inch or make a single sound, afraid of what this different Professor Quirrell could do. He won the game, Bella started to wonder what the hell is this and why in merlins name was it in Hogwarts? She quietly followed the Professor to see a troll, much bigger then she ever read about in America.

The professor had it on off its feet in seconds, not one stutter, not one worry. Bella was shocked more then she was scared, he walked though to the next room, Bella has a thought. All of these are like the subjects taught. The strange dog, obviously Hagrid had something to do with that. The strange plant was Professor Sprout, the flying keys reminded her of flying, Madam Hooch and the moving chess has transfiguration Professor McGonagall! The troll was Professor Quirrell for DADA, the next task must be something to do with Professor Snape.

Bella crept into the next room, he drank something, there was still plenty left after he walked though the flames she took a gulp and nearly threw up. She walked though the flames, rather scared. She walked in to see a smiling professor, her eyes gre large.

"Bella dear, we got things to discus." he conjured a table and two chairs, strange.

"How much do you know about You-Know-Who?" Bella was confused, he didn't stutter, could he tell the headmaster and get Mr and Mrs Malfoy in trouble? "Bella, i won't tell Albus." she nodded.

"I read a bit at the Malfoys, i know he killed Harry's parents and he was a bad man. But then in the books suggest he was what was a great wizard" Bella was shocked what she said. The professor smiled and frown at the same time. Bella was confused, Bella stood up and walked slowly away from him, she was confused, he shot a spell at her. Nothing happened to her. Suddenly Bella heard Harry and Jessica.

"You!" gasped Harry. Quirrell smiled, his face wasn't twitching at all. "Me," Bella stood frozen, no spell did this. "I wondered whether I'd be meeting you here, Potter." Jessica noticed her and had a worried look on her face.  Harry and the professor started playing tennis, 'but Snape tried killing me and jessica' then 'no i tried killing you'. gosh. Could harry get more annoying? Bella was shocked she thought that, all harry has done was be kind to her. Then her mark burned, she noticed Jessica too was in pain. Luna appeared. 

"why am I here! I was having a peaceful sleep and now I am bloody freezing!" Bella spoke up, she usually doesn't when Luna was talking because she was scared of her but she did anyway. There were scarier things then talking to Luna. "we have a problem, this teacher being trying to kill a student, and you are complaining about the cold!" Luna just muttered, "there has been worst..." 

"That's not the point! Just shut up and do some 14th century magic with us" Jessica spoke.

Bella started to feel overwhelmed in her head, thoughts of you-know-who. Mixed, why was she feeling like this she didn't know, maybe it was the spell but she started swaying. "Bella..." Jessica said slowly as she saw Bella swaying viscously. "Whats going on..." Bella spoke.

"I don't know"  she fell.  

The Dark Trio (The Philosophers Stone) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now