The Dark Trio - Bill and Charlie (luna pov)

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Luna P.O.V (some parts are third person)
Dream 2
When I got to the Weasley Molly came to see who it was. Which was me. Molly dropped the basket she was holding and ran to me. I was on the fall crys, but not loudly. She yelled for Charlie to get her medicine kit. Charlie went to get the medicine kit while all of the Weasley crowed me, I tryied to talk but Molly always hushed me. Then I just yelled "THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH ME! ITS MY MOTHER SHE GOT STABBED AND SHE IS COLD, BLEED AND FATHER IS YELLING, SCREAMING AND PICKING UP WHATEVER HE WANTS AND SHASHING IT!" Molly looked horrified while George, Fred, Charile, Ron, Arthur and Ginny look at me shocked cause I yelled at Molly. I could of saved her, father knew that, mother knew that. But he didn't let me! I could of helped but I couldn't. I can't blame her death on me, it wasn't her fault. That what was I kept on repeating. Molly got up and used floo powered to get to my father, I just sat there. No one came up to me, it was a good five minutes until Charlie broke the silents. "Dad shouldn't we to sit on the couch not on the floor?" He questioned, quickly as that Charlie picked me up and sat me on the couch. Charlie rubbed my back and kept telling me it was ok. When it wasn't.

Ginny was told to go to her room and get me some clothing, I looked at Ginny and thought how while I ever fit it, but when she came down with a long rug-it-up dress, I thanked her and while I was picking up the dress it grew to me size. The Weasleys looked shocked, I realised I just did wandless magic. This might be part of being a soul seeker or what, I ignored there stares and went to the bath room. I looked at the dress, it fitted perfectly, I heard Molly talking to the Weasley in hush tones. "Luna is staying the night, no questions or buts! Ginny she will be sleeping in your room." "But my room just has enough room for the two of use, she could use Bills rom?" There was silents then Molly spoke again "fine" then I made my entry in and Molly looked at me. "isn't that Ginnys?" She questioned me and I just nodded my head, she knew what I was. I walked up to Bills room, knowing perfectly well where it was. I walk in the room seeing a sleeping bill. I climb out of the window and sit on the edge, looking at the green forest. With the black Thestrals, and brown trunks. One or two Hippographs and maybe a Muggle Horse here and there. A lovely patch of flowers, white, pink, blues and even purple.

Then two hands grab my waist, I look to see who it was and it was bill. He look angry, oh no what did I do wrong. He placed me on the bed and he stood up. "Luna you scared me, siting on the edge on the window starring off to nothing isn't a good idea, as well why you here?" He said with a question at the end. I looked at him, my crystal blue eyes looked into his brown eyes which looks quick good with his orange hair. "I was looking into the forest as well I'm here cause I my mother just died" my eyes was on the edge of tears but I kept them in, not wanting them to go puffy. Bill look at me with sadness then Charlie came in with a smirk "Hey Bill when did you get here? you where meant to be come tomorrow" bill rounded his eyes at Charlie and looked down at him "I got here early and don't tell Fred and George , please Charlie" now Bill is begging and Charlie smirk I looked at the window wanting to see the view again, so I stood up and when Charlie and Bill fight I quickly jumped out of the window onto the edge again. Seeing the view again, it calmed me down. A bird was tweeting and some other birds was humming a song, rabbits hoping throw the lush green grass. Then two hands grasp me again and putting me on the bed again. Then they got robe and tied my hands and feet with it. My right foot and tied and the other end of the robe was on Charlie's left foot, while my left foot was tied to Bills right foot. My hands was tied behind me then tied to the bed so I could get up. Charlie looked at me "Luna you can not do that!" Nearly yelling at me. Then bill looked at me "Luna that is dangerous" not he was yelling getting Fred and Georges attention, bill saw the mistake he made and got his wand out and lock the door. You could hear Fred and George whine and yelled for him to open up but Bill refused. They went to Charlie's room but realised he was in the room too, they had no luck getting in so they went back to there room to start a new prank. Bill spoke again "Luna what do we have to do so you don't climb out of the window?" And Charlie got up but forgot that Luna was tied to his foot and Luna went down, but since Bill was tied to her foot he went down as well. The boys started fussing about it but I just laughed, "you two sound like an old married couple" they laughed then Charlie realised what I said and was shocked I untied the nots and ran out of the room. Bill and Charlie was chasing after me, bill ran in to Fred and Georges trap so it was only Charlie chasing me. I ran in the forest and saw a Thestal so I jumped on its back and rode it.

Charlie was shocked, he has never seen death while I have. My mothers death wasn't the first death I've seen but my grandfather, two friends of my and a boy named Tome Riddle, he was the first person I have ever saved. He looked like someone I knew but I didn't know. He claimed his name was Tom Riddle before he died, so I helped him. How wrong I was, my mother told me who I saved. The most hated person alive! The dark wizard. The dark lord. Who-shall-not-name. Voldemort! I'm not really 9 but around 162 years old but I just get reborn and reborn. Only rebbe ring who I saved that's it. I got back to the Borrow just before Bill could catch me I ran to Molly who made me inviable. I thanked her, and helped her set the table. When she called dinner bill and Charlie looked worried, when they started talking about losing me I came viable and I ran to my seat before they could tell me off. It was a lovely dinner, cooked vegatbles, with the muggle pasta string (spaghetti) I was yummy, the only people on the table who ate a sensible amounted was Molly and I, use our knifes, spoons and forks. The rest ate 4ths and Ron, Fred, George and Bill ate 5ths only using there forks.

Just after I ate I when to wash up and change to my pyjamas, bill made a second bed for me. I climbed in and Waited for Bill to go to sleep, when he was snoring. I got a piece of paper and wrote a note

Dear Weasley,
I am out side enjoying the fresh air,
if I am not in my bed I am probably
fell asleep put side. Bill and Charlie
told me I wasn't aloud to sit on the
edge of the window that why I am
out side.
Luna Lovegood

I walk out side and sat down and looked at the sky, seeing the stars. I could see Sirius the Dog Star, Reglaus, Onoin (is that how you spell it?) seeing all different star, I knew most of them from the black family. They have an thing with stars. Then my eyes blacken to the darkness.

End of dream!

Hey guys it's Catnip_The_Cat here!
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Sorry it was a dream but she asleep and Bella and Jessica is at a party.
Be a Raven Claw!
Be Happy
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This book might be PE maybe M rated
~Luna Lovegood

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