chapter 5

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Y/N's pov :
"oh" Christina Whispers "I get it" pit is a convenient name for this place it's an underground cavern, very huge and paths and steps connect places for food, clothing and etc. The roof is made of glass, blue lanterns dangle at some places, people are shouting everywhere and children run along the paths, which is a weird scene for me because children in erudite never do such things, they're always reading books or studying and during their free time they either play video games or read sci-fi books, mostly indoor activities. "if you follow me," Four says "I'll show you the chasm" he leads us to the right side of the pit,and I see a railing,and water is roaring in here,"The chasm reminds us that there is a fine line between bravery and idiocy" Four must shout in order for us to hear " a daredevil jump off this ledge will end your has happened before and it will happen again. You've been warned " Christina says something but I can't hear it,four leads us toward a gaping hole in the wall,the dining hall.

As we enter, I try and find Will,eventually we sit with the girl whose name I just remembered, Myra and Edward, we start eating Hamburgers and in the middle of it the cafeteria doors open and a young man with many piercings walks in,he has long,dark hair and there is a certain coldness in his eyes and something clicks in my head I nudge Will "you know who that is?" he takes a better look and says" No,who is he?he looks awfully familiar " I smirk and say" that's Eric,all the teacher's favorite " "oh,yeah I remember, there was a huge chaos when he transfered" I nod and look at him approach Christina and Tris,he doesn't pay much attention to them and goes towards Four, they talk and I see Four get tense,he obviously doesn't like him,I continue looking at them,until Eric leaves, clearly upset,then I finish my burger.
After everyone is done,Eric leads us to our dormitory, at least that's what I guess since he doesn't say anything finally he stops in front of a wooden door and folds his arms "for those of you who don't know, my name is Eric," he says " I am one of five leaders of dauntless. We take initiation very seriously here,so I volunteered to oversee most of your training. " he continues "some ground rules," " you have to be in tge training room by eight o'clock every day. Training takes place every day from eight to six,with a break for lunch. You are free to do whatever you like after six. You will also get somevtime off between each stage of initiation. " "you are only permitted to leave the compound when accompanied by a dauntless" Eric adds " behind this door is the room where you will be sleeping for the next few weeks.there are only ten beds, so you'll have to choose it yourselves..." "but we started with twelve protests Christina. While picking at his cuticles Eric says" there is always at least one transfer who doesn't make it to the compound, " " anyway, in the first stage of initiation we keep transfers and dauntless-born Initiates separate, but that doesn't mean you are evaluated separately. At the end of initiation, your rankings will be determined in comparison with the dauntless-born Initiates. And they are better than you already. So I expect ---" "rankings?" Myra asks " why are we ranked?" Eric smiles and it looks like it's the most wicked scene of the world. " your ranking serves two purposes, " " the first is that it determines the order in which you will select a job after initiation. Tgere are only a few desirable positions available. " "the second purpose," he says " is that only the top ten Initiates are made members. "
We are all in shock, and finally Christina asks, "what?" "there are eleven dauntless-borns,and nine of you" he continues " four Initiates will be cut at the end of stage one. The remainder will be cut after the final test." the candor boy asks" what do we do if we're cut? " " you leave the dauntless compound, " Eric says " and live factionless " Myra cries, and I try to comfort her as I become more and more anxious for the last stage for the moment when we realize whether we become members or not,I will become a member, I must become a member. a candor girl says " but that's not fair!" " if we had known " " Are you saying that if you had known this before the choosing ceremony, you wouldn't have chosen dauntless? " Eric snaps " because if that's the case,you should gwt out now. If you are really one of us,it won't matter to you that you might fail. And if it does,you are a coward " Eric pushes the door open and says " you chose us " " now we have to choose you."
After we choose our beds,(mine is next to Will)I lie in my bed,thinking about what Eric said. It does matter to me that I become a member but I don't think that makes me a coward, I think that's what makes me strong, what keeps me going,my desperate need to become dauntless, my will to become dauntless, is exactly what is going to help me. In a room with other people in my outer clothing, this is weird for me indeed, but I ignore it I'm not erudite anymore and I must adjust to my new surroundings,and fast,I hear a boy crying, and I look over to see who it is, it's apparently a huge candor boy,one I don't recognize, I feel bad for him but I can't just go over and comfort him,that's mean of me but that's why I didn't choose amity,I chose dauntless and I better start acting like one,so I close my eyes and eventually I go to sleep.

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