Chapter 32

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Jack Kang lifts his hands, and the crowd goes silent . Wow,that's
impressive .

"I know many of you are confused and shaken by what happened yesterday," Jack says. "I have heard many reports from a variety of perspectives, and have gotten a sense for what is straightforward and what requires more investigation."

I look up at him he has bags under his eyes,definitely tired,but who wouldn't be?

"What seems to me to require more investigation," Jack says, "is the Divergent."

I had seen that one coming,they were bound to try to find out more about us eventually.

"If you are one of the Divergent, please step forward so that we can hear from you."

I move first,they already know and there is something else. I've never been ashamed or scarred of my divergence. The thing is ,divergence is something special. And all my life I wanted to be special. Four is the next one. He follows me and then Tris.

The person I didn't expect to come ,is Marcus.

"I understand that you are concerned—that you all are concerned. You had never heard of the Divergent a week ago, and now all that you know is that they are immune to something to which you are susceptible, and that is a frightening thing. But I can assure you that there is nothing to be afraid of, as far as we are concerned."

Marcus is good with words,that bit is obvious . I wonder which faction he came from,perhaps candor?

"It seems clear to me," says Jack, "that we were attacked so that the Erudite could find the Divergent. Do you know why that is?"
"No, I do not," says Marcus. "Perhaps their intention was merely to identify us. It seems like useful information to have, if they intend to use their simulations again."
"That was not their intention." Says Tris. I look up and try to pay attention .

"They wanted to kill us. They've been killing us since before any of this happened."
Jack's eyebrows draw together. I hear hundreds of tiny sounds, raindrops hitting the roof. The room darkens, as if under the gloom of what I just said.
"That sounds very much like a conspiracy theory," Jack says. "What reason would the Erudite have to kill you?"

"I believe they wanted to experiment on us" I say ,my voice loud and clear and for a second I feel like I shouldn't have spoken .

"For what reason?" Jack asks,and I take a deep breath . "And erudite mind is a curious one,I know it ,Jeanine has the most erudite brain I have seen . She will want to find out what we're made of,how she can defeat and manipulate us" I say and swallow. It's been a while since I've spoken in public.

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