chapter two

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I lay on my bed listening to my mother singing Amazing Grace as she ironed our church clothes. I was thinking of a way to get out of going to church. How could I go and worship the supreme being who took my father away from me?

My mum claimed that this God loved me:"for God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son". Yeah,and took away my dad in exchange I thought.

'Careful' I admonished myself,remembering my mum's reaction the last time I made the made the mistake of saying something along that line in her presence.

Only her superhuman anger management saved me from the wrath of her rolling pin. If I didn't keep my thoughts to myself it'll take a lot of amazing grace to keep her iron from burning my face,I mused.

"Scott?" My mum said softly, knocking on my door.

"I'm awake ma" I said.

"Ah you've already bathed." Stella McAllister said entering the room. Seeing his stubborn look,she sat on his bed and said softly "you know,God has forgiven you so why don't you forgive yourself?"

"I don't have to forgive myself of anything." I said." God took my dad from me......."

" God didn't do anything." My MA said " Your dad made his own decision,and that's one thing God doesn't force upon us. We have our free will. I tried to warn Brock and how did he repay me? By leaving me penniless with two kids. But God gave me a job,friend's and charming children. "

"Who are fatherless." I ended." Sorry ma but you can't change my mind. If you want to get to church early,I suggest you start getting dressed because I don't think I'll join you"

Stella looked at him. He had his dad's good looks, temperament and cold nature to boot. If she knew him very well pressing on will only make him rebel so she just left.

Scott sighed,feeling bad. As much as his mum made him mad he hated arguing with her.

" Mornin' bruvuh." Jodie McAllister said, entering her big brother's room.

" If you're here to make me feel bad about my quarrel with ma,then you're with the wrong person." I said dismissively. "Forget it you won't succeed."

Jodie raised a perfectly groomed eyebrow at me then walked over to me in her church clothes. Kicking off her platforms,she joined me on my bed and said " I could care less about what you and the old lady argue about. I'm here because I want to know how you made mum cry and get off your back. I don't want to go to church too. It's boring."

I was still stuck at 'made mum cry' ." Ma's crying?" I asked in shock.

Jodie rolled her eyes " that's what I said." She replied in a dur tone." I would too if you were my Son. You're so rude and disrespectful and cold and uncaring...couldn't you find a better way of saying mum I don't think I want to go to church so please don't force me?"

"That's not happening." I said.

Excuse me?"

" I said that's not happening. If i'm going to church then so are you."

"'re going?!"

" I don't think I was eating whiles talking "

"Urrgh! Fine. I wanted to show Sheridan my new platforms anyways. Oh and I heard the new preacher's young. And he has a good Scottie,she's the preacher's kid!"

I was still amazed at how my sister could slip quickly into skyscraper high heels and run,nevertheless I threw a pillow at her before she closed the door,rolling my eyes when I missed.

Heartsong. Stolen Hearts Quartet Book One.Where stories live. Discover now