chapter eight

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It was now nine PM and I was still in the chapel after choir practice and youth fellowship meeting because Dan was researching more on the works of the holy spirit.

Feeling bored after doing my homework, I decided to take a walk. Zoned out I started planing my day tomorrow till I heard loud music and laughter. I had walked far into the shady parts of the town. There were numerous bars and clubs.

I then heard loud cheering coming from a not so far place. Probably watching football or wrestling. I thought.

I then turned to walk away back to the chapel when I heard a voice say turn back and walk on.

Eyes wide,I looked around and saw nothing. Gulping,i spun on my heels,ready to run when I heard it again,you are needed,turn around and walk on.

I found myself following the instruction of the voice in my head.

Walking Into an alley,I saw a dark figure moving towards me and froze. Reciting psalm27 I prayed that he won't attack me.

I then saw the silver glint of a knife behind him. "Watch out!" I screamed.

Inhumanly fast,dark figure spun around,though he had a limp. He then started fighting off his attacker.

I watched as they exchanged blows and fought martial arts style. Then i saw the glint of the knife again and closed my eyes.

I heard a muffled groan and tentatively opened them. Dark figure had beaten up his attacker but was bleeding.

"You're hurt!" I gasped.

"I'll be fine." He said,taking out his car keys."my car is round the corner."

"You're insane if you think I'll allow you to drive in this state." I said.

"You're talking to a dangerous stranger in a dark alley and you're calling me insane?" He retorted.

"I'm calling my dad." I said

"No..." He begun,snatching my phone quickly but Dan was on my speed dial.

"Dan help!" I said simply,knowing he had a tracker on my phone.

The stranger cussed rapidly in Italian but was getting weaker after fighting me for my phone.

"Save your energy." I advised.

"Tia?" Dan called out a few minutes later,confused."Goodness Tia what are you doing here? I was scared for your safety!"

"Help please?" I said and wordlessly he helped me take the stranger to his car.

"Mind telling me why a badly wounded teen is in bed in the spare room?" Dan asked an hour later after tending to the stranger and going back for his car.

"Hmmn. Seems like grace to me." Dan commented after I told him my story.

"I don't even know his name." I said.

"Isaac." Dan mummered "Isaac Lahar."

That name rings a bell. I thought.

"Well go to bed kid." Dan said "you've got school tomorrow."

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .

I woke up to the smell of sausage and bacon and hurriedly performed all my morning rituals.

Running into the kitchen,I froze at the sight I saw;Dan and Isaac seated at the kitchen table having breakfast and chatting easily like father and son.

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