chapter three

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The service had ended successfully and I was standing at the entrance of the chapel with Dan and Mrs Hoffman the church secretary and a self declared busy body. Presently she was introducing Dan to members of the congregation and he was thanking them for coming to church.

"You totally need to have a house warming today." Mrs Hoffman said,looking excited about her idea."I have a list of people to invite and I also have a special family recipe! "

" Thanks Mrs Hoffman, " Dan said politely " but I don't think so. Tia has school tomorrow. And I don't think it's necessary. "

" Not necessary??!!" Mrs Hoffman said incredulously. " it's the proper way to get to know your neighbors and make new friends!!! Are you any good at cooking Tia dear? "

" yes?" I responded" but I bake better."

" good." Mrs Hoffman said " I will be at yours at 4:00 to help set up. Bye." She then walked away to spread the word.

"Well Tia dear why don't we go home and prepare for the proper way to get to know our neighbors?" Dan said

"I hope you know that you have a presentation tomorrow?" Dan said casually as we went home.

" I HAVE A WHAT???!!!" I screeched.

Dan stomped on the brake of his car to prevent it from getting out of control again. " do you have to scream at me every time? " he asked irritated.

"Do you have to always keep secrets from me?" I retorted.

"It's not a secret!" Dan said smartly.

"Yeah and when did it lose it's status as a secret? I pretended to think." That's right! A minute ago!"


"I heard the new pastor's having a house warming party." My MA said." I think it's more of Mrs Hoffman is having a house warming party. That busybody' s unstoppable. "

"We were on our way home and I planned on keeping it that way.

"Forget it ma." I said. "We're going home."

"Really?" Jodie said,feigning shock. I shot her an unimpressed look.


"Just thought you'd like to go" she shrugged.

Something smelled fishy in her character. I realized wondering what she was up to. Probably one of her verbal traps. I'd better steer clear. I thought.

But stupid me asked "why would I want to go ?"

Jodie shot me a dangerously sweet,triumphant grin." Because big bruvuh you blatantly OOGLED the preacher's kid throughout worship!"

"And how did you know that he was Oogling the preacher's kid throughout worship sweetie?" My mum asked in an overly loving,dangerous tone." Oh I know that! Because you were also not worshipping but spying on your older brother!"

"Ma!" Jodie protested why do you always have to defend him?!"

I smirked at her in the review mirror and tuned out their chatter after ma gave a witty answer,concentrating on driving.

Like mother,like daughter. Jodie was not the only one who could spring up verbal traps.

My mum was actually an old pro.



I showed Mrs Hoffman around the house though she proved to know her way around quite well. She congratulated me on the new arrangements though.

Heartsong. Stolen Hearts Quartet Book One.Where stories live. Discover now