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"Jack!" I scream I can hear his footsteps race up the stairs and the door flies open.
"What! Are you okay!?"
"Ya I'm fine, GUESS WHAT?!"
"God you scared the Shit outta me. I thought you got hurt!"
"Oh oops sorry..."
"It's alright... What's up?"
"I get to stay in Ireland! My friends moving in with me too!"
"YAY!" He runs up to me and lifts me off the ground spinning me around. I'm laughing harder than I have in a while and smiling wider that thought possible. He stops spinning me but keeps holding me.
"When's your friend coming?
"She'll be here in 2 days."
"Yay okay, tell me about her"
"God I could go on for days but let's start with her... Personality."
(Time skip, I could go on for days on end so um ya)
I told him everything I could about her. He listened to every word.
"That's all I got for now. CRAP, It's 12:00pm! Jack I'm sorry!"
"That's okay..." He yawns his teeth are as white as perils.
"So whatcha wanna do?"
"Is there anywhere we could go tomorrow like...rock climbing, water park any thing like that?"
"Ya there is one not to far away from here."
"Yesssss" I fist pump the air as a jump up and down with sheer excitement. Jack laughs and starts to blush.
"So for now do we still wanna watch a movie or a show? I still don't know much about you so we could chat while we watch?"
"Ya okay that sounds good, what movie?"
" I know it's a show but The Walking Dead?"

We ended up just listening to music and talking about me. I did learn more about Jack.

"So what are your hobbies?"
"Oh geez...I've got a lot."
"I've got time."
"God your makin' me blush!"
"Awwww...how A'm I making you blush?"
"Many boyfriends or friends I've had in the past never listened to me like you do. And I thank you so very much for that."
"Awww your so very welcome lass."
"Hehe okay so personality right?"
"Oh yes please continue"
He smiles at me as I start to tell him about myself.

We both knew how late it was but we really wanted to watch The Walking Dead still, so we watched the first 5 episodes till I fell asleep.

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