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(A/N) another edit by me😊

(Jack's point of view)

I wake up the light already blinding my eyes and I haven't even opened them yet.
         Where the hell am I?!
          How did I get here?!
               Where's (Y/N)?!
What happened?
These questions along with many others were giving me a headache! I decided it was time to see where the hell I was. I open my eyes to see a white sealing, Come to think of it the only damn thing in here that isn't white is the TV.
The familiar smell of the hospital filled my nose. And then the light bulb when off.
        A hospital?! What the hell?!
My thoughts were interrupted by the door opening slowly.

"Jack?!" Mark yells.
Running up to me and hugging me tight. After a while of just hugging he pulls away. His eyes where puffy and red.
He was crying...why?

"W-why are we at a hospital Mark? What happened? What's going on? Where's (Y/N)?!"

I ask my accent showed when I say his name as I try and sit up...bad idea. My stomach burns with pain and I instantly reach down and clutch it in pain.
"Jack calm down please don't strain yourself..." Mark says.
He sits down in the chair next to my bed his head rested in the palm of his hand before he runs it through his newly dyed red hair.

"Mark please what's going on?!"
I almost yell getting frustrated about not knowing anything.

He takes a deep breath before he grabs my hand at starts to talk.

"Okay first you don't remember anything? Going shopping? Tire popping? Me scaring you and (Y/N)?"

(Y/N)...where is she?

I think long and hard but soon I'm hit with memories of that night.

"Ya I remember all that but where in the fookin hell is (Y/N)?"

"She...she was taken..."

"By who? god damn it Mark spill!"

"By A-Anti..."


"Uh ya...he had stabbed you and had taken Abby."

My eyes start to sting and my vision going blurry. Mark squeezes my hand as a tear runs down my face...she's gone?

                 (Time skip)
      (Authors point of view)

Jack got out of the hospital 2 days after him and Mark's conversation and now (Y/F/N), Jack, and Mark are in his truck driving back to his house. Mark was driving as (Y/F/N) was in the back seat with Jack holding him close as he cries into her shoulder.
"I fookin lost her! I promised I would keep her safe! I could have saved her! I could have..."
He buried his face in his hands as he wipes away the tears with his grey Berlin long sleeve shirt.
"Jack please stop...your beating yourself up! There's nothing you could have done. We'll get get her back! Please just stop..."
(Y/F/N) says rubbing his back hugging him tight.
"It is I should have held her closer! I should have known Anti would have shown up!"
Mark is silently crying up front but soon his phone is ringing. He wipes his eyes with the back of his hand and sniffs before he picks it up.
"H-hello? Who is this?"
"Hello Mark..."
"You got me! Hi..."
"What do you want?"
"I need you and your friends to come to Minnesota. I'll meet you guys at the airport. I already bought your tickets."
"Just do it Mark!"
"Okay! Fine..."
"Great see you soon!"

(A/N) I'm so so so sorry I didn't publish a chapter yesterday😁😭 I was super busy and wasn't feeling well and then my dad brought me to a movie please forgive me😰 I will post 4-5 chapters in return for missing yesterday's upload👌🏻😁
Anyway what do y'all think Warf wants? What is Anti going to do to (Y/N)? Find out in the next chapter of Silent Tears.

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