Need a lift?

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Then he turns around and walks out the room away from the staircase. Jack makes a motion for me to stay under the bed. He crawls out from under the bed and to the door...then checks to see if Anti was close.
He waved for me to come over to the door. He watches as Anti enters the laundry room then Seán grabs my hand and we rush down the stairs fast but quiet and bolt out the door as we hear angered footsteps down the hall up stairs. Jack makes me walk out the door first he's right behind me, he shuts the door and locks is from the outside.
"(Y/N) I want you to call your friend and tell her to meet us at Marks house, and after she gets off have her call you for directions! Alright?"
"Alright on it."
I dial the number and call her up.
"Come on, Come ON!"

"Hey (Y/N) what's up?"
"Oh thank god! hey (Y/F/N)"
"Hey? What the hells going on? Are you okay?"
"Ya I'm fine I'll explain everything later but for now just listen!"

As I'm telling (Y/F/N) what to do Seán is calling Mark about what's going on.

"(Y/F/N)! You got all of that?"
"Ya okay, call you tomorrow then?"
"Yep okay, love you, bye"
"Love you too Short Stack! Bye."

I hang up while Jack is asking if we could stay at Mark's house for a while.

"Okay we're good to stay"
"Good...So uhhh how far are we from Mark's house exactly?"
"Uhhhhh...5 hours by car?"
"But Jack we kinda left the car at the house!"
"Fook! Uh well then we'll ask for a ride"
"A 5 hour ride with a stranger? I don't like that idea..."
"Well that's what we'll have to do. Don't worry I'll be right here with you (Y/N)...I won't let anything happen to you! I promise..."
"Thanks Seán...buuuut you're kinda missing the fact that YOU are the Jacksepticeye! Tell me you aren't the least bit worried that we'll get kidnapped?!"
"(U/N) I'd put your life before mine! If anyone tries to do you harm I'm here, I will not let that happen!"

After a few moments of silence he clears his throat and rubs the back of his neck.
"UGH alright fine you win!"
He holds out his hand for me to take. I take it and we both stick out thumbs out on the side of the road.
                 (Time skip)
I was freezing cold, I guess Jack noticed because he took his blue sweater off put it over me and hugged me tight.
"Th-thank you" I mumble.
"No problem, anytime."

Many cars had passed but soon a car came to a stop.
"Need a lift?"

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