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"Uh ya and he's lookin' as mean as ever."
"But I-I thought he we just a thing that the fanbase made?!"
"Well what's he want!?"
"I don't actually know what to be honest. Can you call your friend and say she can't get on that plane."
"Ya sure."

Just then there was a knock on the door. Jack jumps up in front of me and yells.
"Who's there!?"
A voice that sounds a lot like Jack's but way more sinister and seems to have more than one voice answered.
"Hello Seán..."
"Shit! It's him!"
Jack grabs my arm and bolts up the stairs me right on his heals.
"Fook (fuck in Irish😉)" he cussed under his breath, his Irish accent growing thick.
"If we went down stairs we would have had an easier escape"
"Crap...well let's hide somewhere wait for him to pass then make a b-line for the stairs."
"Good think'n"

Right after he said that the door bursts open as Anti walks through.
"I know your in here Seá too (Y/N)..."
"SEÁN how the hell does he know my name?!"
"I-I I don't know, but that's not good!"
We both run into Jack's room and bolt under the bed. I can hear Anti's steps come up the stairs and I start to panic. Jack must have read my mind because he moved closer and put an arm around me.
"It'll be okay, I won't let him hurt you." He whispered into my ear. Anti's foot steps are close and soon he's in the room. My breathing was hard and rough so Jack put his free hand over my mouth. Anti stops at the bed his feet facing us.

My eyes grow wide with fear...

(CLIFFHANGER!!😱 sorry)

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