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I woke up in my bed.
"Jack must have brought me to bed after I fell asleep." I say to no one in particular. I run down stairs to see a note on the counter with a plate of pancakes and bacon with a glass of milk. The note said...
Top of the mornin'
To ya gorgeous! I
Made you breakfast.
I went out to get a few
Things. If your friend arrives
Before I'm back tell her
Jack said hi. See you soon!

- With much love, Seán

"Awwww..." Good thing he ain't here to see me blush. I read the note once more...
CRAP! I totally forgot (Y/F/N) was coming today! I bolt upstairs to grab my phone to see if anyone texted me.
"Nothin" I say as I make my way back down stairs to grab my food that Seán made me and sit on the couch to watch some Ghost Adventures while I eat... But it gets interrupted by a call from (Y/F/N).

"Hey (Y/F/N) what's up?"
"Hey uhh I won't be able to make it till tomorrow..."
"What!? Why?"
"I don't know my flight got cancelled for some odd reason."
Oh...okay we'll see you tomorrow then?"
"Hopefully ya"
"Okay bye"
We hang up the chat.
"Hm...wonder why?"

A few hours after (Y/F/N) called Seán bursts through the door slamming it behind him scaring me to death.
"Jesus Jack you scared the shit outta me! What the hell happened to you!?"
I say as I run up to him and hug him tight, him hugging me even tighter as he starts whimpering and his hot tears fall into my shirt. He had scratches all over his face and arms along with many bruises.
"My god (Y/N)! I'm so glad you're okay!...You gotta tell your friend she's gotta leave like NOW!"
"She's not here anyway her flight got cancelled. What the hell is going on Jack!?" I say as I lead him to sit on the couch as I grab a wet rag and a chair and place it in front of him and sit down.
"You've been on my channel long enough to know Antiseptic right!?"
"Uhhhh...Ya the one that the fanbase made up? And the one I dressed up as? The evil version of you? Why?"
I grab the wet rag and start to clean his wounds. He hissed at the pain.
"That's okay...and ya that one."
"What about him?"

"He's real..."

(Cliff hanger😏😜 sorry)

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