
14 2 1

Edit by meh!
        (Y/N's point of view)

I yawn trying my best to stretch out while not to wake Jack...wait...this doesn't feel like Jack?...

ITS MARK!! Oh shit!!...Okay okay (Y/N) calm down jesus! I start to calm down as I blink a few times for my eyes to adjust. Mark had his arms around my waist and his face buried in my neck. I finally calm down and start to realize how tired I am....we did stay up till 3:30AM.

So besides the fact I am sleeping with my friend and not my boyfriend I decided to go back to sleep since first no one else is up, second I am tired as hell, and third I don't want to wake Mark or anybody else.
Poor (Y/F/N) was on the floor and Seán was sleeping peacefully on the opposite side of the couch.
"Mark is just my best friend, best friends sleep with each other like this and it's okay...right?"
And with that thought repeating in my head I slowly drift to sleep...
(Time skip)
I wake up to something I wasn't expecting...yelling?

"What the hell?" I say as I sit up and rub my eyes to see Seán yelling at Mark.

"No! Fook you! I wake up to see my best friend sleeping with my girlfriend?!" Seán yells as Mark throws and unexpected punch at Seán sending him flying across the room falling into a small glass table shattering it to pieces.
I run over to him as (Y/F/N) runs over to Mark with tears in her eyes, grabbing his arm pleading for him to stop, but he shoves her to the ground and starts walking toward Seán and I.
Seán stands up shards of glass all stuck to his arms and face. He pushes me behind him.
Mark takes another swing, Jacks reflexes kicking in he dodges the punch causing Mark to hit me smack in the jaw. I feel a burst of pain shoot through my jaw and up around my whole head as I fall to the ground terrified.
Mark not fazed one bit that he hit me stalks over to Jack. Jack stands strong and spits blood out of his mouth.
"Fook you Mark!" He grunts throwing a powerful punch that connects with Mark's face sending him to the ground.
(Y/F/N) grabs onto him once he hits the floor.
Jack looks at me tears are streaming down his face. The next thing I know is he bolts up the stairs leading with a door slamming shut.
I start to run after him (Y/F/N) close behind me.

"No! You stay and make sure Mark is okay!" I yell as (Y/F/N) stops abruptly at my sudden change in tone.

"O-okay..." She says her face full of hurt as she turns around and running back over to Mark. I suddenly feel really bad for yelling at her like that but I run the rest of the way up the stairs to hear sobs coming from the bathroom. I reach for the door and wiggle it...
Locked...of course...
"Seán? It's me...may I come in?"
I ask after knocking on the door twice.
I hear shuffling and a click of a lock. I slowly open the door to see a bloodied Seán sitting against the wall, his legs crossed, and his head resting in his hands blood all over the floor.
I walk over to him and collapse next to him as I wrap my arms around his neck.

After a few minutes of silence and Jacks sobs I pull away and scoot in front of him.

"Here let me take a look at ya."
I say as I grab his hand which are full of blood and gently try put them on his lap but he resists.
"Mark kinda beat the handsome out of me you sure you want to see?"
"Nobody's that powerful..."
I say in response as a slowly pull his hands away from his face.

His eye is bruises and swollen, he has tiny pieces of glass stuck every where along with a huge piece in his shoulder, and his bottom lip is split open.
I quickly grab the tweezers, stitch kit, goze, and a box of bandages.

"What have I done?" He sobs as I pore rubbing alcohol on his hands. He his face scrunches up as he hisses in pain.

"'re more beat up than Mark is if that's what you're worried about..."

I Start to wrap goze around his hands as he speaks.

"That's not what I mean Babe! I ruined our friendship because I got fookin jealous!" He yells his body shaking from his anger.
"You and Mark's friendship will be fixed in no time! I promise...and try to stay still please I need to get all this glass out."

"I hope you're right...uh what's the stitch kit for?" He asked as I take a deep sigh preparing to tell him what it's for.

"Uhh it's...ugh I need to stitch your arm up..."

"Oh god..."

(A/N) uh oh! Mark and Jack got into a fight! What is gonna happen to their friendship? Will their friend ship be okay? Or will it go crashing down hill? Find out in the next chapter of...

Silent Tears!

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