Chapter 3 - He Spoke To Me!

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Dedicated to @MayniacForLife0 because she made me the beautiful cover for this story!! Hope you all enjoy this chapter! Love you all and thank you for 70 reads already!! :D xxxx

Finally the teacher let us all go and it was finally time for our last lesson before lunch. Our school had gotten really strict over people’s attendance and a lot of people skipping lessons, so they made sure the register was done about five times a day! It was crazy, but I’d got used to it now.

“I’ll see you at lunch!” Olivia said and hugged me softly.

“Yeah, same place as yesterday?” I asked and Mandy nodded her head. We always tried to sit in the same place in the canteen but when the weather was nice we sat out on the field and attempted to get a tan for the hour we had for lunch.

“As long as it doesn’t rain!” Mandy said with a laugh.

“Alright, see you then!” I hugged Mandy and they walked off together. Olivia had Art and Mandy now had a taster in Sociology and their classrooms were quite close so they walked together. I, however, had Business and it was across the other side of the school. I swear they did it for exercise as well as learning because I pretty much have to speed walk to get to class on time! I quickly packed my now full and closed pencil case and diary in and swung my navy backpack over my shoulder and started to head to the door when someone called my name behind me. No one ever called my name unless it was Olivia or Mandy…

“Hey, Beth!” I heard again and slowly turned around; most people had already left to get to their class so there were only about five people left in the room. I looked at every person to see who’s gaze was going to meet mine, and to my very surprise it was Sam. Sam, the most popular guy in our class and well known in our year group was talking to me!

“Umm, hey Sam.” I said nervously. I never had much courage talking to guys, especially ones who everyone knew. I could already feel my heart beating heavier and faster as I spoke to him.

“I just wanted to say thanks for saving my ass from the teacher. That was clever thinking, knocking your pencil case on the floor…” He shrugged as if it was no big deal.

“It’s alright. I didn’t want you guys to get in trouble and I didn’t want a year’s detention!” I said with a laugh. It was more of a nervous laugh than because what I said was funny; I was still trying to get over the fact he was talking to me and he knew my name. Most people don’t even know I exist!

“Well that was kind of you, thank you!” He said, giving me a cheeky smile. Now I know why all the girls say he’s amazing; him talking to me now makes me feel like my life is amazing. He has a charm not many people do and looks to go with it. I was brought from my thoughts by the bell for the beginning of next lesson going off and echoing through the room – I told you they don’t leave me much time! Oh this is great, what excuse can I make to my Business teacher? ‘Sorry I’m late I was talking to a popular guy?’ “What lesson do you have now?” Sam quickly added. I stared at him in disbelief. I’ve been in your business class all year and you don’t even know? His facial expression quickly changed from smiling and happy to confused and worried.

“Business.” I said feeling defeated. This is how quickly my life rollercoasters. One minute the popular guy is talking to me and it’s all fine, the next he reiterates the fact he has no idea who I am. I was stupid to believe his conversation was anything more than a thank you. From the back of the room, I hear someone let out a small laugh. I don’t look around to see who it is, I can already guess. Conor.

“You didn’t even know she was in your class? Oh, Sam, I do love your lack of anything towards the normal people in this school.” Conor said. I could hear footsteps and his voice was getting closer. I only assumed he was walking towards us.

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