Chapter 18 - Truth Hurts

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Conor’s POV

I was scared I’d creeped her out when I asked her if she understood my intentions for kissing her. I didn’t want her to think I was just walking into her life and kissing her for the fun. Truth is, it was damaging my reputation – going for a plain, unnoticeable girl over the ‘royalty’ of the cheerleading squad or something, but I honestly wasn’t into it. The idea of having to wait four hours before you went out for her to perfect her outfit made me cringe inside, and the constant attention seeking they seem to do in public would drive me insane. Beth was different, she was everything you’d want in a girl without the baggage of popularity – although that was growing with every day. I felt bad for her when the stupid children in school were calling her names and shouting at her, it really put her down, but with help from me, Zack, Peter and Sam we’ve managed to get it to cool down. Beth slowly pulled away from our intense kiss and I mentally cursed myself for spending more time thinking about school then focussing on this moment.

“I think I heard the door…” She said, sounding more than upset to be leaving the warmth and comfort of my arms to answer the door to Sam. “Let me check if it’s Sam.” The way she said his name made my blood boil and I don’t even know why. She didn’t say it excitedly, happily or nervously. She just said it but the fact she even said his name; the fact he even knows her is too much for me. Especially with what we went through when we were younger.

“Hi Sam!” I heard from downstairs and quickly jumped off the bed to straighten my clothes out in front of the mirror before sitting back down on the bed. I heard two sets of footsteps coming up the stairs and then stop outside the door.

“Ladies first!” Sam said sweetly and I rolled my eyes, quickly changing to a smile as Beth walked in, followed swiftly by Sam.

“Late as usual.” I scoffed and Sam shot me a glare.

“Early? Makes a change for you.” He said shirtily. I shifted awkwardly on the bed and shrugged.

“Look, guys, you can do all this crap later. Miss Potter has added to our coursework!” Beth said, sounding concerned. I’m sure she was beginning to doubt the ‘A’ she was attempting to get for this coursework and we were hardly making the situation any better. “She now wants us to realise the furnishings in our building are unusable after the flood.”

 “Well we’d have to call the insurance company… There’s no way we could have enough income to sort the flood and pay for all new furniture!” I said seriously, now imagining this had actually happened to me. “We may be able to get something for poor roof work, they may even pay out purely for it because it was unavoidable, we don’t control the weather!” Both Beth and Sam looked confusedly at me, but Beth’s expression quickly changed to one of happiness as she wrote all the points down on the document she had up.

“You’d need to get health and safety people in too! They’d need to check the actual building and structure was still good. Don’t want the building to collapse with anyone in it!” Sam added giving me a ‘My answer was better’ look.

“Now we’re getting somewhere!” Beth sounded surprised. She typed a little before turning back round to us. “Let’s really make the effort before she adds anything else to it! So, let’s do two scenarios; the bad and the good.” She typed again. “Say we call the health people out and they say the structure is safe and then we receive a phone call saying we can get a good pay-out for our place what do we do then?” I brought my hand to my mouth and concentrated hard.

“It depends.” Sam begun and I couldn’t help but roll my eyes. “If there isn’t a possibility it will happen again then we could just use that money for the guys that clear the water and damp, buying a new roof and all new furnishings.” Sam looked smug with himself, but I had something that would screw his plan up!

Notice Me! (A Conor Maynard AU Fan Fiction)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang