Chapter 28 - The Perfect Ending

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Conor’s POV

Beth finally unlocked her front door and I breathed a sigh of relief. How could she just lock us all in her house and think that would solve anything? We live together for goodness sake! I tried my best to make it look like I was interested in their apology, but I wasn’t. We’d already planned our own version of a ‘chat’ today. I stood up exchanging glances with Sam and Zack before I made my way to the door.

“Thanks Beth.” I said again, walking straight out of her house without a second glance. I could see her face drop because I hadn’t hugged or kissed her goodbye but truth be told I was seething. I didn’t want to see or speak to another person.

“Oh, ok… Bye…” She said, sounding defeated and broken hearted. I felt guilty, my heart feeling pricks of pain, but I knew it was for the best at the moment. I could make it up to her later. I stormed out of the house and down the pathway onto the main road, making my way back to the house I had to share with those two traitors.

“Conor! Wait up!” Zack called from behind me. I stopped and turned round to see him running up to me. He stopped a foot away from me and put his hand on my shoulder. “It’s not sorted, is it?” I looked anywhere that wasn’t at him.

“It might be.” I shrugged. I just wanted him to stop getting involved!

“Conor, you just walked out without saying goodbye to your girlfriend…” Zack pointed back to the house and the guilt hit me again.

“Locking me in a room with you two isn’t going to solve jack shit.” I huffed, turning to walk back into the house.

“Conor!” He shouted back to me. “It’ll never get solved if you don’t face it!” I knew Zack was trying his best to help me, but I didn’t want to know. I was going to solve this my way. The way I knew best. The way that doesn’t involve me trusting people and having them let me down. I waited until Sam walked out of the house and walked at a quick pace to catch up with us. A grin finally covered his face, one that made me think he was actually happy. I knew it wasn’t that though, he was a good actor.

“Thank you for letting us get over all that!” Sam said cheerily. “I’m so happy it’s over!” Zack shifted awkwardly and the cheesy smile instantly dropped from Sam’s face. “It was fake?” He knew me too well – he was my brother after all! I shot a glare over to Zack, who returned it with an apologetic one.

“Sam, a sorry isn’t good enough. You completely screwed us over! We were on the verge of breaking up! We never spoke about it but I could see it, I could see it in her eyes. The spark was fading, she wasn’t happy to see me and we just didn’t connect. That was all your fault! I’ve got to go and pick up the pieces of you acting like an idiot and you expect me to forgive you because you found a girl and said sorry?” My voice strained under the pressure of trying not to shout. I was desperately trying to look calm and cool as people passed us by.

“What more do you want me to do? I made a mistake, yes, but I can’t physically do anything more than just say sorry! I can’t fix your relationship for you!” I tensed up, fists clenched by my side. How is he not seeing it from my point of view? As far as I’m concerned he should be kissing my feet!

“Look, I just don’t think trying to solve it out here in the street is going to help much!” Zack tried his best to stop what was building up, but I had my mind focussed on one thing and it was going to get done! With one deep breath in and out, I quickly swung a punch at Sam which to my satisfaction made a connection with his cheek. He staggered to the side and clutched his face. I let out a smile.

“I feel much better now.” I grinned. “But Sam, seriously if you make a fool out of me once more you’ll get more than a punch in the face.” Sam nodded while his hand remained on his cheek. Zack’s gazed switched between me and Sam but he remained quiet. I nodded in the direction of our house as I turned once again and made my way home, Zack following quickly and Sam walking slowly behind us. I couldn’t shake the image of Beth’s face as I walked out of her house without more than a goodbye. I shouldn’t have left her like that. She was only trying to help! I stopped in my tracks and glanced back in the direction of Beth’s house. Without a second thought, my feet were carrying me back to her house – and quickly. I banged on the door and waited impatiently as the door slowly opened, revealing a sad, lonely girl. My Beth.

“I’m so sorry!” I blurted out before she had a chance to react to seeing me. I pulled her into my chest and wrapped my arms around her, hugging her as if I was never going to let go. I could feel her body relax under my grip and I felt happier than I had in a long time. For the first time in a long time, I finally felt the connection I thought we had lost. “I love you, Beth!”

“I love you too!” Her voice was muffled as she spoke into my chest.

“I didn’t mean to walk out. I was a little frustrated.” I said honestly. “Locking us in the same room was a good idea but it just made me feel angry. I wanted to sort it out on my own but I guess I should have been thankful you were trying to help.” I felt her smile against my chest and I breathed a sigh of relief.

“It’s ok, I just wanted it to get sorted!”

“And it’s sorted now!” I grinned happily, but I felt Beth shift beneath my grip and look up to me.

“What did you do?” I looked shocked at her. How could she read me that well? We hadn’t known each other that well, I thought.

“Not much, don’t worry! Just had a brotherly chat and now we’re on the right path. I threatened him if he ever messed with our relationship again…” I trailed off at the end, knowing I probably shouldn’t show her how mad I’d really got with him. After everything we had I still wanted to impress her, I wanted her to think I was best for her and not regret going out with me.

“As long as it’s sorted, I won’t ask any more questions. I’m just happy that we’re all happy!” Beth grinned and it was the happiest I’d seen her in a while. She was right though, I was stuck trying to fix the past whereas she’d looked at the present. She wanted us to get on so we could be happy, not make it a feud that lasted forever… Now here we are; me and my closest friends being happy with her and her closest friends. A couple of months ago I would have laughed if you’d said to me I’d be dating someone like her – but the truth is, ‘someone like her’ was exactly what I needed. She’s brought me back down to reality and made me realise not everyone is on this earth to go against me. I am capable of being loved and I am capable of loving someone. I can’t ever thank her enough for that!

Notice Me! (A Conor Maynard AU Fan Fiction)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin