Chapter 7 - Tables Have Turned

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Sam’s POV

Conor’s been in my class for about 3 hours and I’m already sick of him. I liked how the class was; The groups of people split between the classroom, everyone at least knew everyone else’s first name, everyone looked up to me like I was the leader of the class and in turn I tried to look after our class. Practically every girl in the class loved me. Then he showed up. He’s the only person that has made me look stupid, the one who has argued back for no reason and I swear the whole school knows we absolutely hate each other anyway so why even put him in the same room as me?

I walked to Business quickly to avoid being late again; otherwise Miss Potter would probably do something else to make my life worse. I can’t believe she stuck me in a group with Holly and Conor just for being late before! I got to the door and touched the handle to open the door but someone grabbed me and chucked me up against the wall, my back slamming against the hard surface.

“Listen, you’re going to help me or I swear to God I will expose you to the whole school, you little scumbag.” Conor snarled at me, his fist clutching onto my shirt. “You understand?”

“What the hell do you want?” I said, pushing his hand off my shirt. “Get off me.” Conor let go quickly and I brushed myself down. “Help you with what?”

“I need you to do something to help me out and I know you won’t like it.” Conor said as if he’d actually thought about my feelings.

“Why should I help you?” I spat back automatically.

“I will drop you in front of the whole school. You won’t even know what hit you. Remember how much I know about you…” He threatened. My eyes widened. He wouldn’t actually do that to me, would he?

“W-What have I got to do?” I’ve never felt more nervous. Conor knows way too much about me, he could make me the least popular guy in school within a minute if they heard about my life…

“I’ve told my mates I wasn’t bunking because I’m beating a guy up for flirting with a girl I like. So you have to flirt with someone in business and I swear if you pick Holly I will kill you.” I was shaking. The images of him going into class and announcing my life to everyone, how quickly it would spread and how every would drop me were spinning round in my head. I could barely concentrate…

“L-Like who?” I finally got my head around what he had said. “Who do you like?” He looked around to check no one was listening into our conversation.

“I don’t like anyone in that class.”

“Then who do I flirt with?” I was already accepting the fact I’d have to do this task whether I wanted to or not. I needed the life I lived now to be happy. “Who would you be happy to be associated with?” I could see Conor thinking intently. We both knew gossip spread so quickly in this school, he needed to pick someone that isn’t going to drop his reputation. “There are only a few decent people in that class…”

“I know!” He hissed and went back to thinking. “Who do you think is decent?” He said in a whisper. I thought long and hard about the people in class.

“Umm.” I said as in my head I imagined every girl in the class. “Kate, Hope, Mary and Beth.” I said. “And that’s at a push.” I shrugged.

“Ah shit.” He mumbled. “Really? Just those four?” He seemed desperate. This obviously meant a lot to him to not get found out by his mates. Surely it wouldn’t be that bad for him?

“I don’t think people would buy you and Hope being together though…” I said, trying to help him. Don’t ask me why I was thinking I needed to help him, I just was.

“Who do you think I’d suit then?” He asked me, fear in his eyes. “We don’t have much time!” He looked serious as he stared down at me waiting for my answer. The bell sounded and I quickly pictured him with each of the other girls.

“Beth.” I said quickly. “She’s the only one you’d suit.”

“Oh, you remembered she was in your class?” Conor said, his demeanour suddenly changing to a cocky smart-mouthed boy. I rolled my eyes. He let out an evil laugh.

“I could easily not do what you ask…” I said confidently and his smile quickly dropped.

“You’d better do it, Sam. If you don’t you’ll be run out of this school quicker than you could say ‘let me explain’.” Conor raised an eyebrow at me and my stomach was in knots. He was being deadly serious. He really didn’t care.

“Alright fine. I’m going!” I said in a sigh and walked into Business. All the people sitting in class already looked straight up to me and I smiled.

“Sam, you’re going to sit in your groups straight away.” She pointed over to the table that I had sat in last lesson and where Holly and Beth were already sitting. I guess this is my time to shine.

“Hey girls, you alright?” I asked to the two girls, who looked up at me confused. I sat down opposite Beth and kept the smile on my face as I looked at her.

“Umm, you alright?” Beth asked me quizzically.

“Yes?” I wondered why she was looking at me like I was crazy. “Why wouldn’t I be?” She let out a half smile and shrugged.

“You just came in and greeted us. You couldn’t even remember who I was a few hours ago.” Beth laughed. “But whatever.” My eyes quickly darted to the door as Conor walked in and was also told to sit in the groups. He sat next to me and looked me up and down, obviously continuing to pretend nothing happened earlier.

“I always knew who you were.” I said with a slight hint of flirtiness. Conor began to smirk but covered his mouth with his hand and pretended to cough. “I just wanted to keep talking to you…” I said, making it up as I went along with it. Beth’s eyes instantly darted to the table top and she let out a small smile.

“Look.” Conor said and we all promptly looked at him. “I’ve decided I really need to get out of this place after this year and get a good grade, so if we have to meet up after school I’m willing to do that. I don’t want you two passing it around that we’re hanging out or anything… Ok?” Beth’s eyes widened.

“Yeah, me too!” I added. “No gossiping, don’t even mention my name. We’ll work and then go our separate ways.”

“I-I-” Beth stuttered. “What’s changed your minds?” We both shrugged.

“Well, my mind hasn’t changed either.” Holly said. “I’m leaving the group and finishing this course with an ‘A’” 

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