Chapter 16 - Classroom Hell

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Beth's POV

The bell rang for the beginning of business studies yet i was the only person sat at my table. I looked around nervously as it seemed everyone's attention was on me. I don't know if Conor and Sam were experiencing the same thing but i couldn't even turn a corner without having hundreds of pairs of eyes on me. It was making me nervous and uncomfortable. I'd always dreamt of being popular and well known; having everyone talk about me, make up rumours and ask me if they were true and gain a small fanbase but this was nothing like what i had dreamt. I was called names, given evil looks, given looks of disbelief and bitchiness. I dreamt I'd turn into a celebrity but instead it was horrible. My social life now involved answering personal questions and replying to people asking about hurtful rumours i hadn't heard. I'm not going to lie, when i sat in a lesson and someone popular walked up to me to ask if i had really kissed Conor it did make me feel happy and i craved the attention more, but when someone bashed into me and called me a "slut" for no reason, i wished i could blend into the background again. I gave up looking at the gawping classmates and focussed on my hands and the printed out document I'd created shortly after Conor had left my house which had all our thoughts written out neatly.

"Beth, is this all your work for the coursework so far?" I was brought out of my thoughts by Miss Potter leaning scarily close to me. I could smell her cheap floral perfume stronger than ever before and, mixed with the smell of wet dog and minty toothpaste, had made me feel a little queasy. I swallowed hard trying to get the taste of her perfume out of my throat before looking up to her with a fake smile. My subconscious shouted for her to go away but somehow it just wasn't loud enough for her to catch on.

"Yes, Miss Potter. We have been discussing the week long flood." I said in case she had forgotten. She picked up the paper and read it quickly, nodding and humming at certain parts.

"Did you do all this yourself?" Miss Potter asked me quietly. I shook my head confidently.

"Not at all, Miss. Conor and Sam have been more than helpful!" I said happily, receiving a grin from Miss Potter. I just had to put a good word in for them and they'd be on the road to a great pass in this class.

"In more ways than one!" Someone in the class shouted out, referring to my comment about them being helpful. The whole class began to laugh and i sunk lower in my chair. I don't want this. This isn't what i dreamt of.

"Hush now, class!" Miss Potter tried but the laughs still grew. I was on the brink of tears. I could feel my throat prickling and getting tighter, my eyes stinging.

"What the hell are you guys laughing at?" A deep voice boomed and the room silenced instantly. It was a voice i was half happy to hear and half dreading to see. Conor. I heard two sets of footsteps come closer and finally my empty table was filled with two people i was normally so happy to see. Only today i wasn't. I couldn't escape the voices in my head telling me every second spent with them would be another rumour. Sam and Conor smiled at me but noticing my lack of enthusiasm they looked at each other concerned.

"Beth?" Sam finally broke the silence on our table, only making the nosey classmates stare more.

"What?" I snapped, not knowing the best way to react to then after the torment and rumours I've received and heard over the course of today.

"Are you alright?" Conor whispered.

"Who are you going to pick today then, Beth?" A guy across the room asked jokingly. Conor shot up from his chair and stormed over to him, grabbing him by his collar and pulling him to stand up.

"Excuse me?" Conor spat, inches from him. The guy instantly looked terrified and i felt slightly happier. I ran my fingers through my hair and sighed. At least they are willing to help me through this.

"Nah, mate, it was only a joke!" The guy cried out, grabbing the attention of Miss Potter who had been too busy writing on the whiteboard.

"Conor!" She squealed and Conor dropped him back to his chair. The look Conor gave him made me feel a little scared for him but at the same time i felt smug because Conor had helped me.

"Thank you!" I said quietly as Conor sat back down.

"You been hearing this crap all day?" Sam asked, upset in his voice. He put his hand on my leg and it made me jump a little.

"All day." i stated, feeling sorry for myself. "Its like you can never get peace and quiet when people know about you!" The boys looked down at the table top.

"Well if anyone says anything come and tell me.. I'll get them sorted out." Sam said threateningly and i suddenly felt ok. Maybe with their protection i can make it through the rumours and just be a popular person.

"Or me or Zack." Conor said equally as threatening. It was funny because they both seemed to have the same facial expressions, but i mean identical.

"Thanks guys, i really appreciate it." A proper smile finally grew on my face for the first time today. However it was short lived because i knew I'd have to be dealing with this for a very long time...

"Right guys, lets carry on with your coursework then..." Miss Potter said in the hope to shut the class up and put their mind on a task rather than on the three of us sat at the table attempting to talk about a flooded bar.

"Why do they stare so much?" I had to ask. It was something i just couldn't get my head round. Never did i stare at someone when I'd heard rumours about someone.

"Nothing better to do..." Sam shrugged. "But don't focus on it. Lets try and get on with this work."

"I would call the insurance company." Conor said, finally coming out of the daze he goes into when he's thinking. I don't think he even knew i had asked a question. I looked at him and back to Sam before making a note on my paper.

"Its a good idea, you may be able to make some money out of it." I nodded in agreement.

"Like you could for telling your stories!" Someone mumbled loud enough for everyone to hear. The class laughed again and Conor and Sam's eyes searched the room for the culprit. Again the prickling feeling grew in my throat and i knew i was going to cry. I stood up quickly, grabbing my bag and running out of the room towards the nearest toilets. As soon as i shut the door the tears began to fall and i sobbed uncontrollably. I hated how isolated i felt from my normal life. I could barely talk to my friends without being interrupted and i was spending every second of my life making everyone else more knowledgeable about my life. This wasn't what i wanted at all.

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