Chapter 9 - Arguments Already

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“I’m impressed!” Conor commented as he walked into my room. Just like my dress at the moment, my room was completely different to anything you could imagine. At school I dress in grey, white and black. My clothes cover me up as much as possible. My room, however, is bright and cheerful. The wall behind my bed is wallpapered with a flowery pattern with yellow, red, pink and orange flowers. The other three walls are painted in a light pastel yellow. My bed linen is white and the furniture in my room is all in a light oak wood.

“Impressed with what?” I asked carefully. I allowed Sam to walk into my room ahead of me.

“Wow!” Sam exclaimed.

“What?” I urged as I walked in and shut the door.

“It’s light.” Sam began.

“Light, clean, cheery. I thought it’d have emo band posters and everything…” Conor added with a smile. I rolled my eyes and sat down at the computer, logging in quickly and bringing up my emails and showing them the one Miss Potter had sent me.

“Right, this task lasts… A week?” I said, sounding more shocked than I should have. I remembered Mandy telling them this so I shook the shock from my voice and continued. “It says: I hope you’ve come up with your business already because here is the first task. This first week you guys will tell me what you would do if you found your business had a hole in the roof and after a night of gales and torrential rain, it has flooded. Please make a day to day diary of what you all feel and thought and your plan of action.” I handed them a sheet with the email on and they read through it again.

“Right, so we have had a flood in our bar.” Sam began. “My first thought would be to complain to the roofer who did the job because they were obviously shit. Then I’d think I’d have to sort it all out and get annoyed.” I should have guessed this was going to happen; those guys weren’t going to take this seriously were they?

“That is insightful.” Conor said, rolling his eyes. “I’d think about the electrics. They’d need to be turned off just in case something short circuited or sparked and everything went down.” I stood in shock are stared at him. Was he being serious? He was actually helping with the work? I could tell Sam’s face was mimicking mine.

“Yeah.” I agreed, but it was all I could say. Come on, Beth, think of something to say at least! “Err, I’d probably think about calling someone to get rid of the water if it was really bad. And people to fix the place once it’d happened. All the furnishings would rot if it was left too long!” I said, adding my bit. I turned back to the computer and typed it out on a word document.

“Is that it? We done now?” Sam asked. “Surely that’s enough, we can make it up later, no?”

“Of course not!” I said as nicely as I could. I could see Conor whisper something to Sam out of the corner of my eye but I didn’t turn around.

“Hey, Beth…” Sam said in a soft, caring tone as he walked towards me and put his hands on my shoulders, the touch of his hands on me made my skin feel fuzzy. “Do you mind if I get a drink?” He said close to my ear. His hot breath made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. I took a deep breath in and out.

“Of course. Do you want me to go and get it?” I said and began to stand up from the chair but his hands pushed me back down. Sam’s hands got tighter on my shoulders and sent chills down my spine.

“I can get it, it’s fine.” Sam said and walked out of the room. I began to feel slightly more comfortable until I realised I was now alone in my room with Conor.

“What’s up with him?” I asked Conor. He shrugged.

“I don’t bother with him. I have no idea…”

“Why don’t you two get along? There’s obviously some history between the two of you…” It couldn’t hurt to ask surely. If he doesn’t want to tell me that’s fine, but if he does tell me I’ll just be better off. There was a slightly awkward silence after that and Conor looked down at the floor. It seemed like he was contemplating telling me but we were soon interrupted by the sound of heavy footsteps up the stairs.

“Thanks Beth!” He sat down carefully on the bed and took a sip. A part of me was screaming at him for choosing to drink Ribena and sit on my white linen but I chose to silence it and carry on with the work. I began to type more when I suddenly heard two gasps. I spun round and saw Sam standing up with Ribena over his top and all over my sheets.

“I’m so sorry!” He whispered. Conor shot him a glare and ran out of the room quickly, I assume to get tissue.

“Sam!” I shouted. I stood up and walked over to the bed, where a massive pinky-red stain had taken over the centre of my bed. “What the hell?”

“It was an accident!” He put the glass down on the side and held his arms up to show his innocence.

“You’ve ruined my bed sheets!” I shouted. I don’t know why I was so angry but I just couldn’t let it drop.

“I ruined my shirt too!” He tried to make it better but only made it worse, I could feel the anger pouring out of me. He tugged at the bottom of it to show me the stain.

“Sam you ruined my bed! You can’t change a bed as easily as a shirt!” I said. I went to push him but he grabbed my arms by my wrists. We stayed like that, a foot away from each other, for a few seconds. My breathing got quicker and in the pit of my stomach I felt a cross between fear and excitement. His grip on my wrists wasn’t hard, it was soft but strong.

“Do you have a shirt I could change into?” He said as he gazed into my eyes. I couldn’t help but stare back into his.

“Umm, I don’t know, there might be one in my brother’s room…” I stuttered. Sam slowly walked forwards, making me walk backwards until my back was against the wall.

“Will he mind if I wear one?” He said, his voice low and hoarse. I could feel my stomach doing flips. I wasn’t used to things like this…

“He doesn’t live here anymore, he lives at his Uni campus.” I said honestly. Sam let out a smile.

“He won’t mind me doing this then…” He said flirtily as he closed the gap between us and put his hands behind my head, ready to kiss me. I began to move my head forward but Conor stormed back in the room with tissues. He instantly dropped them and shoved Sam away from me.

“What the hell is wrong with you?” Conor shouted at him. “We’re here to do work, why are you trying to get in her pants?” My stomach stopped flipping and just dropped as far as it could. I hope Conor didn’t think I’d have done that!

“What’s it to you?” Sam retorted. “I’ll do what I want, it’s my life!”

“Guys!” I had to step in. They both looked at me instantly. “Can we just stop this? We need to work together practically every day for however long this bloody coursework goes on for and you’re arguing in the first hour?”

“Sorry…” Sam apologised swiftly.

“Yeah, as long as you two aren’t making out every time I step out of the room!” Conor snapped. I felt my stomach drop. 

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