Chapter 17 - More Coursework

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Beth’s POV

I slumped in my chair in front of the computer in my room and put my head in my hands. This day has been an absolute nightmare. Well, mostly. Being told I had Conor, Zack and Sam backing me had made me feel a little better. After I’d run out of class, they did actually follow me and Conor called Zack up to have a word with the idiots that were trying desperately to be nosey and find out what we were talking about in the toilets. It was quite funny to hear him shouting and being rude to them all. I used to think he was one of the scariest people in the year but actually he’s only like that so people behave around him - I admired him for that. I sighed heavily before logging into my emails. My computer lagged as it loaded my emails for the day so I quickly got changed into a pair of leggings and a mid-thigh red top. I threw my school clothes into my laundry basket and sat back at my computer, instantly noticing an email from Miss Potter. My eyesight only focussed on that email, I quickly opened it.

To: BethKnight

From: Miss Potter

Hello Bethany,

I know you and your team are working on the week long assignment of having a flood in your business, but I would like to spice things up a bit more and say that the furnishings in your business are now unusable. I look forward to seeing what you all come up with in the lesson tomorrow.

Kind Regards

Miss Potter.

I read the message over and over again. This was just another opportunity to have to contact Sam and Conor and have more rumours made up about me. I quickly picked my phone out of my bag and called Conor. Don’t ask me why I called him first, but I did.

“Shut up man, I’m on the phone!” I heard him shout to someone and I let out a small smile. “Sorry about that. Hey, who is this?”

“Beth.” I said obviously. If he ever checked his caller ID it’d make my life a little easier.

“Oh right,  hey! You alright? What’s up?” His toned changed to one of concern.

“I’m fine, Conor, don’t worry about me. I’ve got another email from Miss Potter. She’s added something to our coursework.” I said, wishing there was something better I could have been talking to him about than stupid school work.

“That’s bullshit, man!” Conor shouted down the phone and I froze on the spot. “We’ve already got a stupid task! Why is she trying to make it difficult? Does she want me to fail?” I relaxed a little knowing the swearing wasn’t because of me.

“Conor, it’s fine. You’re not going to fail!” I said confidently. “Even if it means I have to work on this thing every night.”

“Look, give me five minutes and I’ll be over. These guys are distracting me from my phone call…” I could hear some jeers and chants in the background before one voice became particularly noticeable. Zack.

“Gimme the phone!” I heard before a lot of slaps and rustling. “Beth?”

“Zack? What are you doing?” I said, concerned.

“Well, Conor’s meant to be hanging with his mates but instead he’s dropping us for you.” He said in a harsh tone that made me stomach drop. “He obviously likes you. Just thought you’d want to hear it from someone else-” His sentence was cut off by a yelp and the sound of the phone dropping on the floor.

“Ignore him, Beth. I’ll be over in a few minutes.” The dial tone sounded in my ear before I had a chance to say anything back. I quickly text Sam telling him that we had to meet today and threw my phone on the bed as I redid my makeup and hair to make sure I looked as good as I could. I went into the bathroom and brushed my teeth again, followed by spraying my deodorant and perfume once again. Why was I going to such an effort for these boys?

Minutes later the doorbell rang and I ran down to be greeted with a grinning Conor. Again, we both looked each other up and down admiring each other’s clothes. Again, Conor was wearing his t-shirt and jeans combination.

“You didn’t have to leave your mates to come and see me. It’s only coursework!” I said in a laugh.

“Couldn’t leave you to do it on your own!” Conor said with a smirk on his face. “Where’s Sam?”

“He’s on his way. I didn’t have time to call him so I just text him while I was tidying up…” I lied. I just wanted more time with Conor. I could see that Conor was trying to hide a smile.

“So, you never had a chance to tell me about you and Sam…” I coaxed as we walked into the kitchen and got a beer out of the fridge for Conor. Conor took a sip of his drink before answering.

“Well, you’ll just have to try all over again then…” Conor raised his eyebrows suggestively. He was basically saying I needed to get him drunk and kiss him again for me to find out. I rolled my eyes and folded my arms. “It was a joke!” Conor said defensively and I let out a little laugh.

“It’s alright, I had a feeling you wouldn’t make it easy for me!” I giggled.

“Well, we’d better go and start this coursework before Sam gets here…” Conor said flirtily, looking towards the stairs.

“Someone’s eager!” I raised my eyebrows suggestively. It was more of a joke than anything, but all I wanted to do was find out about Conor and Sam, and kiss Conor again… Without hesitation I grabbed his hand and dragged him upstairs to my room. My mind was racing with the replay of what happened only a few days ago and my skin was already tingling. We ran into my room and he instinctively jumped onto my bed.

“New sheets?” Conor looked down, admiring my new cream coloured bed linen.

“Very observant!” I joked as I walked over to my bed. “You guys are banned from drinks near my bed unless it’s water!” Conor slowly put his beer down on the bedside table with a look on his face that I couldn’t help but laugh at. Again, I felt secure and safe with him in the room. I just wanted to admit to him that the more I was around him the more I was falling for him, but I still had this voice in the back of my head reminding me of my feelings towards Sam too. Life couldn’t be more difficult. While in my own world I hadn’t noticed Conor move over to the edge of the bed closest to me. It was only when he grabbed me and moved me onto the bed I even realised he had moved.

“I don’t want you to think I’m only kissing you to use you.” Conor suddenly said, probably finally agreeing with the voices in his head, whereas I was ignoring mine. He looked into my eyes and I could see that he had never thought or said this before to anyone. I’d heard a few rumours about him and Zack and they were always about how they didn’t care about the amount of girls they got with.

“I don’t think that at all!” I said, feeling slightly awkward at the change of mood. I did feel quite happy that he wanted to tell me that though, just in case the insecurities in my head got the better of me.

“Good!” He said with a smirk as he pulled me towards him.

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