Chapter 29 - The Presentation

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FINAL CHAPTER! THIS STORY IS ENDING! NOOOOOOO! I had so much fun writing this, but i definitely think its the right time to end - although i'll apologise now for the cheesy ending!! Just wanted to end happy - something i dont do very often! haha. Anyway, thank you guys so much for sticking with it! I cant believe the amount of reads, votes and comments it has so thank you so much! I love each and everyone one of you and you can all have a hug! *HUG* here we go!! xxx


Beth’s POV

Standing in front of the class I took a massive breath in and out. The class was staring at me, including Holly who was smugly looking at me through her thick rimmed glasses assuming I was about to make a complete ass of myself – but I knew I wasn’t. I smirked at her as Miss Potter looked at me as if to start.

“We decided to pick a business that would need a lot of advanced planning, a bar.” I began, bringing up a slideshow we had made in our last few lessons before the presentation. “Our first task was to deal with a flood that had ruined the inside of our shop from a roof leak caused by a natural disaster. We decided that we would immediately contact the insurance company and see what we could get from it.” I began, knowing this was going to be a long talk that only the teacher was going to be listening to. I could see, however that Holly was pretty intent on listening to every single word we said. Of course, Conor and Sam were currently standing next to me, just waiting for their time to say the practiced speech we’d gone over about fifty times. We all knew each other’s bit off by heart, but we were determined to finish this course and pass so we could get on with our lives. Despite everything these guys came across as, especially in first impressions, these guys were just normal guys wanting to get good grades and get a good career going to make them successful. Sam came across as a big headed popular guy who cared more about what people thought about him than anything else and Conor, well, everyone was scared of him and Zack. Getting to know them, I realised that past the barriers and the façade they put on at school they were just guys with a big past wanting to make a name for themselves. I may have help put them on the right track, I’d like to think I had.

“The second thing we had to discuss was...” Conor began. The mere sound of his voice made me happy, and my mind flooded back to when we first met. He was being all sarcastic and hurtful to Sam because he didn’t know I was in his class… Look at everything that has happened since then! I nearly got with Sam, got with Conor, witnessing massive arguments and getting into them. What a life I’ve lead. I’ve gone from a no one to a someone at school too. Everyone knows my face and my name – some people show interest in my life too! This is what happens when you get to know someone who has made a reputation in the school!

“Bethany?” I looked up and the teacher was staring intently at me. Crap. What did I miss?


“I said ‘what was the main thing you learned from this coursework?’” She raised an eyebrow at me, assuming I was probably going to say something crap and useless. I always remembered one teacher telling me when they ask that it’s still part of their marking of your presentation.

“Well, Miss Potter, you paired me with people I would never have associated with and I must thank you for doing so. Despite being let down by one of the group,” I cast my eye to Holly who looked down at her desk, embarrassed. “I took on the task of being group leader and making sure we met up and discussed the coursework appropriately. It gave me confidence and general communication skills I didn’t really have, being a shy girl who blended into the background. Doing this coursework has taught me not to judge people by other’s perceptions and despite the rocky patches we actually got on as a team and managed to complete this coursework.” Miss Potter offered a surprised smile at my reply and in turn, I smiled.

“Conor?” She wanted him to fall now. We’d done so well so far, this is the only place Conor could trip up.

“Yeah, I couldn’t have said it better than Beth.” He began but Miss Potter was egging him on for more. “I did judge people, yes, and I was one of those people who cared a lot about what people thought of me and you paired me with a girl I’d never seen and one I had heard was the butt of all jokes but you have to put that behind you and act professional, just as you would have to in the working world. I now know that I have to work through the rumours and rubbish and you can learn that those people are actually the ones willing to help you the most!” Conor rambled, you could tell because he was trying to sound clever and posh on purpose but Miss Potter was buying it completely.

“Alright then, I’ve heard enough, please sit down…”


We walked out of the class and were greeted by Zack, Mandy and Olivia. They were all unsure whether they should smile because we’d passed or frown because Miss Potter had failed us. Sam’s face broke into a grin and everyone cheered, hugging each other and high-fiving.

“All thanks to Beth though!” Conor said, picking me up and squeezing me in a massive hug.

“So you’re going to pass the year?” Olivia asked excitedly.

“Yes we are!” Sam was still grinning like an idiot.

“Me too!” Zack said, proud of himself. “Thanks to my gorgeous girlfriend!” He kissed Olivia on the head and put an arm around her. Mandy and I let out a simultaneous ‘aww’ and Olivia began to blush. The bell finally rung for the end of the day and we all walked out of the door before the massive crowd would trample us down.

“My house?” I questioned and without a second wasted, we all headed to mine. My family were out so I had the house to myself for the evening, meaning we could have celebratory cocktails! We stopped off at an Off License to pick up random alcohol and headed back to mine where 6 tall cocktail glasses were pulled out, filled with a random concoction of alcohol – this time made up by Mandy – and quickly added some ice and a straw to each.

“To passing school!” I said as a toast.

“To getting the hell out of that shithole!” Zack added.

“To never having to see those teachers again!” Sam supplemented.

“To never having detentions again!” Conor continued.

“To not having or witnessing any more fights!” Mandy said.

“And to keeping the best group of friends ever!” Olivia finished off happily. We all clinked our glasses and took a sip of the drink, not too sure whether to like or dislike it.

“Better than the last one you made!” Olivia said, having to hold her hand over her mouth to ensure she swallowed it instead of spitting it back out.

“What’s wrong with a beer?” Zack said, smacking his lips together to get rid of the sourness of one of the spirits. We all laughed and took another sip of our drinks. “You know we could meet up weekly for this kinda thing?”

“Let’s go for it!” Conor said, pointing furiously at Zack. “You’d better get good at arranging things!”

“And no more fights!” I added in. The guys looked sheepishly at each other.

“We’ll try!” Sam shrugged. “Brother’s always fight!”

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