Chapter 19 - Spill The Beans

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A/N: Hey guys! Thank you massively for all the support with this story! Nearly 1800 reads! So here we go with another chapter! I hope this one is ok, had to rush it a little as i've got lots of work so wont be able to update for a few days! If you have a spare second, please check out the chapter for my upcoming fanfic that i'll be writing when this one has finished - Its called Unexpected Turn and i hope you like it! Love you guys so much!! If you want me to read any of your stories feel free to message me and i'll read them! <3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Beth’s POV

“I don’t know if I want to hear it.” I said quickly as Sam began to speak. I’d just managed to butt in before he said Conor’s name. I don’t know if I could handle this. For once I thought my life was going perfectly, I’d got over all the hate from school after Zack, Conor, Sam and Peter had spread stuff around school for them to leave me alone and I’d realised that there was definitely some chemistry between Conor and I, did I want to hear what Sam was going to say? Did I want to know the truth or carry on being happy and being clueless? Whatever Sam is ready to say, I can already see Conor shifting awkwardly like he doesn’t want to know my reaction. Sam has an evil grin on his face, though, which scares but also intrigues me.

“You sure?” Sam asked in a way that said ‘you know you want to’ more than anything.

“She says she doesn’t want to hear it so just shut up!” Conor hissed, looking a lot calmer. Truth was, in the back of my head it was niggling at me; They’d talked about Fiona, whoever she was and mentioned brothers and relationships they had – I really needed to know about that. Do I want to hear all this bad news just to find that out? Or play innocent?

Ah screw it. I NEED to know.

“Actually…” You say hopefully. “I want to know everything.” The grin on Sam’s face only grew larger and Conor put his head in his hands. Whatever Sam was going to tell me, it was going to be bad. Really bad.

“Well, where to begin…” Sam teased Conor, tapping his chin. “There was this girl, Fiona, who we both knew from childhood. She was a great friend of ours and we saw her every other weekend, she was beautiful and kind and caring and sweet. I told Conor that I liked her and he told me he liked her too. We promised each other for the sake of our friendship we would both put the feelings we had for her behind us.” Sam looked over to Conor in a way that was caring yet angry.

“What friendship did you and Conor have at this time?” I said harsher than I meant. Obviously he’d just said they knew each other as children! Sam took a deep breath in and out.

“You can’t tell anyone because no one knows. We’re brothers.” My jaw dropped and my eyes widened. Part of me felt like everything suddenly made sense but the other part of me couldn’t believe it had actually been said. Those two were the most opposite people could be; One was a popular kid with black hair and brown eyes, the other a rebel with blue eyes and brown hair. The hate for each other was obvious from the moment Conor was moved into our class but I didn’t realise they had that much of a history...

“Anyway,” Sam carried on. “Two days after that discussion, Fiona let slip that she’d kissed Conor and they were going out. He jeopardised our brotherly friendship for a girl, and I was left heartbroken. Well, to make matters worse, he cheated on her after they’d been together for a while and she came to me for comfort but I couldn’t make a move because she was upset over my brother. The argument we had that evening was the worst one ever.”

“But you still lived together? In the same house?” I interrupted again.

“Yes. Our parents and younger brother wouldn’t have accepted one of us leaving very well at all. So we lived together but never spoke. The only person who knew about us was Zack because he was living with us.” Sam stretched his neck out a little by moving his head from side to side before continuing. “Anyway, we finally got onto talking terms again and I thought we’d begin to build the bridge. Then he came into our classroom and screwed everything up again, embarrassing me in front of my friends and acting like a hero all the time.”

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