Chapter 15 - Reminiscing

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A/N Hello you beautiful people! I hope you are all well! I'm finally back from my holiday and i'm ready to post up another chapter. This one is a good one too!! ;) I hope you guys enjoy it and as always; comment, vote, follow and promote if you want to but most of all ENJOY IT!! Love you guys so so much!! <3 xxxx

Sam’s POV

The rumours were spreading like wildfire and there was no way it would stop soon. I couldn’t contain it and I could already see the cracks forming in my friendship group. Daisy came up and questioned me about the fact I was round Beth’s house instead of meeting up with them, I kindly reminded her that I did leave with Peter and met up with them all but she shouted in my face and stormed off. Some of my friends hadn’t said anything but I could see the way they looked at me had changed; No longer did they look at me with admiration and respect, it was now confusion.

“Is it true you tried to kiss her?” A random kid came up to me as I stood at my locker. I opened it to get my books out and overheard some people gossiping so I’d stopped to listen to it, then went into my own world thinking about everything… I should have been thankful this kid brought me back to reality before people started to notice my blank expression and began to make rumours about why I was upset but instead a fire was growing in the pit of my stomach. Why couldn’t these people leave us all alone? Why was this rumour so exciting for everyone? Many people had done worse and more interesting things but they didn’t get the same response!

“Excuse me?” I spat, not even turning my head to look at him. I just stared into the back of my locker.

“Is it true that you tried to kiss Beth?” I gritted my teeth and punched the locker beside mine letting out a frustrated yelp.

“What does it matter to you? Who even are you?  How is finding that out going to affect you? Just leave us all alone! God Damn It!” I shouted into my locker and suddenly a deathly silence fell over the hallway, no footsteps could be heard. I could barely hear anyone breathing.

“Only because I heard Conor kissed her later that day… I just wanted to know if you were alright.” The kid’s voice was now much more timid and scared. I heard his footsteps get further and further away and I buried my head in my hands, my elbows leaning on the bottom of my locker. What was happening? I was the most popular guy in the year and nothing was said about me, suddenly now I’m the centre of attention with all these rumours.

“Wait!” I shouted through my hands. I could feel a lump forming in my throat and my eyes began to sting. The idea that Conor kissed her made me mad but for some reason it hurt me too. This was meant to be a plan to help Conor get out of his issue with Zack… I finally built up the courage to look the kid in the face, even though he was ten feet away from me. “What did you say?”

“I heard that Conor kissed her that night.” He shrugged, his sympathy had gone and he was only saying it to be polite now. “But hey, you seem alright.” He turned around and walked away, the rest of the hallway staring intently at me, waiting for me to slip up.

“What are you all staring at?” I shouted to a thousand unfamiliar faces. They all slowly looked away and began to move to their lessons. I had Business; usually I’d be running there to make sure I could add my bit to the work and pass this stupid course but instead I had a sudden feeling of hatred for it. That stupid course and that stupid teacher had got me here! But wait… It wasn’t only them. It was Conor. If he hadn’t have come into our class in the first place I wouldn’t have got up to fight him and Beth wouldn’t have dropped her pencil case to save us AND THEN I wouldn’t have been late! The bell rang and I threw what I needed into my bag, slamming my locker shut and storming down the hallway towards the class I suddenly despised. It was only made worse by seeing Conor smugly walking towards the classroom from the opposite direction as me. I sped up and walked past the door to the class to stand in front of him.

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