Chapter 20 - Unexpected Plans

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Olivia’s POV

Walking to school, I was desperately trying to think of something to come up with. Beth told me on the phone she wasn’t coming into school today because she couldn’t handle the embarrassment but to save her from the questions from random people when she came back in, I had to come up with something good. Rumours travel quicker than real news in this school, so whatever I say has to be consistent with people possibly knowing about her troubles from last night anyway. I walked into class and sat down quickly next to Mandy, who had a worried expression on her face.

“So?” She said instantly.

“She’s sick.” I said, hoping it’d be believable.

“No wonder, she probably worked herself into a state!” Mandy whispered. Of course, I passed on the information from the phone call to Mandy just like Beth had asked me to. “Thing is, why was she so upset about us guys? It’s not like we called her and stopped her from seeing us! If anything, I started it when I called them to come round her house!”

“Exactly, but I don’t think she’s seeing it like that! She didn’t talk to us for a couple of days and she thinks we hate her! No matter how much I repeated that we didn’t it was like she didn’t want to believe it!” I shook my head. “I even said I was angry at first but when I thought about it, it would be what I’d have done too!” I quickly checked the classroom, neither Sam or Conor were in yet.

“After school, we’ll knock for her and we’ll have a girly night. I think it’s exactly what she needs.” Mandy said and I nodded in agreement.

“Pizza or Chinese?” I said, my mouth already watering from imagining the tasty food we’d be consuming tonight. “If she lets us in of course!” The door swung open ferociously and Conor stormed into the room. I kept eye contact with him as he walked along the front of the room, down beside our chairs and towards his normal seat. I couldn’t help but notice how he looked withdrawn.

“You seen the state of him?” Mandy said in my ear, making me jump.

“Yeah, it doesn’t look good. I might have a chat with him after registration.” I said without thinking.

“You’re brave!” Mandy exclaimed. “You know the rumours of what he did to that guy who upset him! If you’re going to talk to him, you’d better stay alive!” She joked. I rolled my eyes.

“Look, he got on with Beth so he’s hardly going to beat me up! It’d only ruin his chances of getting back with her!” I said smugly. Mandy raised her eyebrows and folded her arms. Seconds later, Sam walked in looking a little worse for wear too. I looked back to Conor who was giving him evils and gritting his teeth. I couldn’t help but wonder what had made those two hate each other more than normal, but it looked like Conor was ready to kill him.

“Go talk to him now!” Mandy said, shoving me off my chair so I stumbled to my feet.

“Yeah, thanks!” I hissed. Mandy always was quite impulsive but it never really helped her – or us – in day to day life. Now standing in the classroom like an idiot I took a deep breath in and walked over to Conor, sitting on the chair next to his. He shot me an evil glance and I knew I wouldn’t get anywhere trying to be nice to him anymore.

“Well, I did come over here to talk about Beth, but if you’re going to be like that forget it! Maybe it’s time you started making friends in this place?” I stood back up and walked back over to my seat, sitting with Mandy.

“What the hell did you say?” Mandy winced.

“If he wants to give me evil looks, I’m not going to help him.” I shrugged, still playing along in case he was listening. I folded my arms and looked forwards, just waiting for him to come over to me, but he never did. Registration went quickly and I had to call out for Beth being sick and before I knew it the bell to first lesson was ringing.

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