Chapter 8 - Mandy's Plan

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Beth’s POV

The class went quickly and before I knew it, the bell had gone and it was finally the end of the day. For some reason it felt like I’d been in college for days, not hours. I threw my stuff in my backpack and walked out to meet my friends. Mandy was the only one of us with a car, so when we were due to meet up she would drive us. Today was a meet up at my house. We took it in turns, once a month we’d meet at someone’s house and we would alternate it but if we wanted to meet up more we could.

“Beth, hurry up!” Olivia said eagerly, wanting to get out in the sun. I rolled my eyes and jokingly speed walked towards them. Arriving at the front of the college, we quickly made our way to Mandy’s small black car and jumped in. The sky was bright and there were no clouds in the sky, just the way I liked it. I always moan about the weather; the sun is too hot, the rain is too wet, the cold is horrible… We shortly arrived at my house and Mandy parked outside quickly. Running inside, I threw my bag and my coat down and went straight into the kitchen. We’d spoken about what we were going to do today, and yes it involved sunbathing and relaxing.

“We’re just going to get changed!” Mandy said, running up before Olivia to get first pick of which room to change in. Mandy always took my room while Olivia took the spare room which used to belong to my brother before he moved away. My parents were never home before 7pm so we had a good few hours before they got home. I got out three glasses and filled them with a cocktail I’d made before with lots of ice. The girls came down in their summer dresses and sunglasses and took a glass each.

“I’m just going to get changed, go out and pick your chairs!” I laughed, knowing I’d come back down to the chairs being moved around so they could make the most of the sun. I ran into my room and threw off my clothes, grabbing my favourite flowy purple summer dress and I picked my sunglasses off of the bedside table. I ran back downstairs and picked up the final cocktail glass before making my way into the garden and noticing the girls had moved the sun loungers to the middle of the garden to make the most of the sun. I moved the third chair next to them and relaxed, taking a sip from the fruity cocktail. The sun beat down on us and I could already feel my skin becoming warm to the touch. I put my drink in the cup holder and shut my eyes behind my sunglasses.

“This is the life, eh?” Olivia laughed.

“It’d be better if we had hot boys to drool over.” Mandy said matter-of-factly. She never held back on saying exactly what she thought.

“Well unfortunately, Mandy, none of us have any hot boys in our lives at the moment…” I said sarcastically. Mandy sat up and swung her legs round to the side of the sun lounger so she was facing me.

“Beth, you have two on your phone.” I felt my stomach drop. I quickly sat up and faced her, pulling my sunglasses down so I could stare at her. She gave me a fiendish smile before getting up and running into the house. It took me a few seconds to remember that I had left my phone in my room when I got dressed.

“Mandy!” I screamed and I ran into the house, quickly followed by Olivia. I ran to my room but the door was shut and locked. I banged on it several times. “Mandy! You’d better not be on my phone!” I pulled at the door handle but there was no use, I couldn’t get in.

“Mandy, come on! You heard what Conor said last time!” Olivia tried to reason with her. I put my ear up against the door and heard typing.

“What the hell are you doing on my computer?” I shout, banging on the door again.

“Your passwords are too easy, Beth!” She laughed. I put my ear against the door again and listened to her typing a little, before clicking on something. She then got up and walked across the room. I could tell because I knew exactly what made what noise in my room. She was going over to my pile of clothes. That’s the only thing I can think of… Oh god…

“Hello? Sam?” I heard her say. I was about to scream but Olivia put her hand over my mouth.

“Don’t make it obvious it’s not you or they’ll kill you at college!” She whispered into my ear before removing her hand.

“I’m going to kill her. I swear…” We both put our ears against the door once more.

“Yeah, I’ve had an email about the coursework… It’s one she said will last a week so I think we should meet up and discuss it. Are you free to come to mine?” Mandy said. I took a few steps back with my jaw dropped. Why is she doing this to me? I covered my mouth with my hands while Olivia kept listening. I felt like running into the door, knocking it down and throwing Mandy out of my house. Not only has she logged into my school email to being up an excuse but she’s invited them round my house!

“She’s just given Sam your address and now she’s calling Conor!” Olivia whispered to me while keeping her ear up against the door. I ran back over and listened closely.

“Hi Conor! I just called Sam, but we’ve got the first email for the coursework. Would you be able to come round? You would? Great! My address is…” My eyes widened even more as she gave them my address and knowing I couldn’t stop them turning up now, my next thought was that I needed to tidy up quickly. I ran downstairs and into the garden where I pulled the sun loungers back into place, I grabbed the drinks and put them back in the fridge before quickly neatening out the already tidy house. My mother had OCD with cleaning things, so the house was never out of place.

“Olivia and I are going now!” Mandy said and quickly shot out the front door, pulling Olivia behind her so I wasn’t able to jump on Mandy and scream in her face about how she has ruined my life! I ran back upstairs and sorted my room out, throwing the clothes I was wearing at school into the laundry basket in the bathroom and straightening out my bed linen before jumping onto the computer that was still logged in and printing off what Miss Potter had emailed me. I appreciated the fact Mandy tried to style out the invite round my house but I still wanted to slap her for putting me in this position! I checked myself out in the mirror – it’s going to have to do!

The doorbell rang and I ran downstairs, opening the door and being greeted by Conor pushing his way into my house and slamming the door behind him.

“Thanks for answering the door quickly. Someone could have seen me!” He said, checking the small window at the side. “I think I was alright.” I folded my arms and raised an eyebrow.

“Hi Beth, thanks for letting me in your house. How are you?” I said sarcastically, hinting to Conor at how he should have started the conversation.

“Oh, right, yeah, umm… Hi. How are you?” He said as he looked me up and down. I looked down and realised I was dressed completely different to how I am at school all the time. At school I always wear trousers and jeans and shirts and jumpers yet here I am in a floral summer dress…

“I’m good thanks. You alright?” I asked Conor as he continued to look at me and my house.

“Good, yeah. I like the outfit.” He said with a smirk. I wasn’t sure if he was being sarcastic or if he actually liked me in this dress but either way I’ll ignore the comment.

“You got here quite quickly!” I said, changing the subject.

“I don’t live that far away actually… Only about five minutes!” He laughed, pointing to the right.

“Well, come in, make yourself comfortable.” I smiled as the doorbell rang again. I opened the door to Sam pushing his way in too and slamming the door behind him.

“Thanks.” Sam said as he let out a huge breath. “I don’t think anyone saw me.”

“You know, you guys could have just said no.” I said to myself but loud enough for them both to hear. They both looked at me and then at each other.

“Where’s the computer then?” Sam said, looking around.

“In my room. I printed it off though in case you guys didn’t want to go there.” I said in a shrug and pulled out the piece of paper.

“Well, may as well go up there and we can type out some notes?” Conor suggested, standing up and walking over to me and Sam, who nodded in agreement. My heart skipped a beat and my breathing quickened. This was the first time they were willing to do something with me!

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