Chapter 22 - A Chance.

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Conor’s POV

I can’t believe this. She was there, on the other end of the phone and she hung up on me! Had I really ruined it that much that she couldn’t listen to me and reply? Have I got any chance of this getting sorted? I slumped on my bed and ran my fingers through my hair, letting out a huge sigh.

“It’ll happen mate, give her time. She’s a girl.” Zack tried his best to offer some advice. “Trust me, they’re complicated beings, they make up things in their head and cloud their own judgment.” I nodded but my subconscious was telling him to shut up and get out of my business.

“How could he have just ruined it all that quickly? We were great and he had to open his stupid mouth and ruin it all!” I vented. Zack opened his mouth to speak but a knock on my bedroom door stopped him in his tracks and we both turned to look at the door. It creaked open and revealed Sam. Just the mere sight of him made me angry, the fire in my stomach suddenly igniting as he made his way into my room. I glared at him, not even trying to hide the hatred I had for him right now.

“Conor… I’m sorry.” He began. “I’ve been thinking it over and over in my head. I was jealous, she’s a great girl and I wanted her. You stole Fiona from me so I thought if I ruined this one it’d make me feel better… But it didn’t. I want to help you resolve-”

“I don’t want you within a mile of her.” I snarled, my hands clenched by my side. “You’ve been thinking about it? How sweet. Maybe you should have thought about it before you opened your big fucking mouth!” I looked away from Sam as soon as I was done talking. The more he stood there, the more the words he said to Beth came flooding back.

“You chose her over me!” Sam snapped. “Family over females you said to me when Fiona was done. We had that chat and you didn’t step down. You chose her over ME!” His fists were clenched by his side now, the pleasant and sorry exterior had now changed to one of anger, mirroring me.

“Sam, maybe it’s better you go.” Zack said, keeping his eyes on me. He knew what I was like. He knew there’d be a fight.

“Maybe it’s better you found your own house.” He hissed and that made me lose it. I know Zack’s been here a long time but we all know what I saved him from. I jumped up and pushed Sam to the wall, putting my forearm in front of his neck. Zack instantly put his arm across my body and pushed me back slightly.

“Maybe it’s better you don’t speak to either of us for a while. Trust me, if it came to a fight you’d lose and Zack wouldn’t even bother to hold me back like he is now.” Sam looked at the two of us and pushed Zack backwards so hard he stumbled into a cabinet.

“Come on then. Fight me!” Sam shouted. “Zack’s over there and he’s not going to hold you back.” I felt my stomach drop. I didn’t really want to have a fight with my brother.

“No. It can be solved in a different w-” My sentence was cut short by a hard and heavy blow hitting the right side of my face. I staggered to the left, clutching my face with my hand.

“Fight me!” Sam pushed me back. He knew how to annoy me – we were brothers after all – and he knew that starting a fight always meant I had to try and end it. He shoved me once more and the fire in my belly grew. I clenched my jaw and my hands tightened into fists. Sam was pushing it. “Come on! Fight like a man! Why would Beth date a wimp?” I lunged forwards and punched him in the jaw. He stumbled back but an evil smile grew on his face. He ran at me and tackled me to the floor. The weight of both of us on me as I hit the floor made a pain shoot through my back. I let out a small yelp before I kicked Sam off me. I struggled to my feet and saw Sam readying himself to keep fighting. He ran at me and I grabbed him, throwing him against the wall.

“Just stop this! Come on Sam, it doesn’t need to be like this!” I said as Sam picked himself up off the floor.

“I’m happy to continue thanks.” Sam grinned.  He ran at me and knocked me straight to the floor. He knelt over me and punched me. First in the stomach, then the ribs, then my face. I managed to get some punches in, but his were coming at me full force.

“I don’t want to fight!” I tried to get him off me but it was a struggle. Zack saw and ran to my aid, pulling Sam off me. He kept a hold of him as much as he could but Sam was flinging his limbs about to try and free himself from Zack’s grip. Sam threw his head back and made contact with Zack’s cheekbone, the clunk echoing the room. Zack dropped his arms instantly and grabbed his face. Sam ran back at me with anger in his eyes. We went on fighting, wrestling, punching and kicking each other for a few minutes before my phone went off. I paid no attention to it as I continued to punch Sam.

“Oi, Conor!” Zack shouted over. “It’s Beth, she’s invited you and me to her house.” The arm I had raised to punch Sam one more time froze mid-air and I looked over to Zack, a hopeful expression plastered on his face. I stood up and walked over to Zack, snatching my phone out of his hand and reading the text. This was my chance. I could finally sort this out. “Sort your face out first though, mate.” I raised an eyebrow at him before I looked at myself in the mirror. Great. Bruises, cuts, blood and swelling. Just what I need when I’m trying to win a girl back.

“You need to sort yours out too if you want to impress Olivia.” I teased. Zack looked down at the floor, embarrassed. It was a crush that had only developed recently, but he was already crazy about her. I promised him if he could help Beth and I, I’d try and help him get to know Olivia.

“Am I invited?” Sam asked humorously. I shot a glare over to him and his grin grew. I walked over and casually pushed him out of my room, shutting the door and locking it before he had a second to say anything. I walked over to my mirror and looked at myself. This wasn’t going to clean up too well…

I think that’s as good as it’s going to get. I’ve cleaned off the blood, straightened myself out and changed my shirt because it had blood on it.

“You ready?” I asked Zack nervously. He was pretty nervous too; He knew he had to sit and entertain Olivia and Mandy the whole time I was talking to Beth. This was going to be a difficult one. I could already feel the stress and strain affecting me and I hadn’t even left my house. Zack nodded unsure of himself and we walked out of my house, making a slow and quite silent journey to Beth’s house.

“What if she doesn’t want to know?” I turned round to Zack, breaking the silence. In my head I just kept imagining her rejecting me and saying that even considering her in some stupid plan to help me was horrible. She asks me how I’d feel if it was me in her situation and I agree it would upset me, then proves I’m not worth her time.

“She’ll want to know. Trust me. You guys were great together.” Zack said. I couldn’t work out if he was being serious or just trying to make me feel better, but I’ll accept it.

“I’m sticking by what I say, if this all works out, we can always try and get you and Olivia together. She’s pretty awesome too.” Zack let out a small laugh as we walked up the pathway to Beth’s house. I knocked on the door and suddenly felt ill. My stomach was dancing around and my heart was beating out of my chest. Will this work out how I want or how I imagined?

Notice Me! (A Conor Maynard AU Fan Fiction)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant