Chapter 1 ~Intro

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Chapter 1 ~ Intro - not edited


"Ayo Collins!" Jake's best friend, Keith, waved at him from the cafeteria table. Jake nodded in acknowledgement and made his way over, his tray in hands.

"Hey, Man 'sup?" Jake said sitting down next to Keith. In front of him were the cheerleaders; Susan though was his best friend, along with Keith and Macy. Even though Macy wasn't a cheerleader, she still managed to be part of the group. She was the quieter one, though she wasn't afraid to say what was on her mind. She was turning her page in her book when Susan let out a grunt while rolling her blue eyes,

"We heard about your break up with Cassidy," she said, taking a sip form her soda. Macy looked up form her book before face palming,

"Seriously, why am I still surprised? Are you ever going to stop breaking girl's hearts?" Jake shrugged,

"They know what they're getting themselves into" he responded.

"Doesn't really matter to me, she was a good bang" he pointed out while Macy covered her ears and Susan made a fake gagging sound,

"Gross, I'm trying to eat here" Keith chuckled before slapping Jake on the back.

"That's my boy" Jake smirked as he noticed Cassidy walk into the cafeteria with blood-shot eyes. Her eyes zeroed on him, causing his eyes to widen in panic,

"Oh shit" Keith and the girls raised an eyebrow before turning around, noticing a very angry Cassidy coming towards them. Both Macy and Susan slapped a hand over their mouths to keep from laughing.

Jake was about to stand up and make a run for it, but she was already screaming in his face,

"You! " She pointed at him with an angry glare, "I was looking for you"

Jake snorted,

"Kay, you found me- "he waved her off "good-bye now"

Keith chuckled but turned away when he saw the Evil glare sent in his direction by Cassidy.

"You think this is some kind of joke? How the fuck are you just going to bang me and then leave! Like nothing happened!"

Damn, he thought, I always knew she was Crazy, but this one is just incredibly stupid.

"That's what I do to all the girls I'm with, what makes you think you're so special?" he asked, testing her. Macy rolled her eyes and got back to her book, it was pointless to watch these arguments. It wasn't like they were rare, they happened almost every week.

Cassidy's jaw clenched, "You know what, Jake? One day you're going to find someone who dosent like you, who absolutely despises you. Someone who isn't always at your feet -"

Jake interrupted, "Like you?" She nodded bitterly, her eyes glaring,

"Yea like me, and when you find that person that treats you like the bottom of their shoe you're going to be miserable."

Jake just rolled his eyes, she was talking gibberish. Everyone loved him, why the hell not? The only girls that could resist him were lesbians, and some time not even those,

"Are we done here? Can I go back to my food now?" Cassidy nodded, "Yea I'm done here, I'm done with you, just remember Karma's a bitch" and with that she stormed out out of the cafeteria. Jake let out a sigh of relief, "Jeez that one was crazy"

Susan nodded "You sure know how to pick 'em" Keith turned back to his friends a challenging look on his face,

"Yo man, how many girls do you have left?" Susan gasped,

"You're counting?" Jake nodded, duh he was counting, he wanted to be the one to go out with every single girl in high school, except for his best friends obviously,

"I think that was the last one" Jake answered Keith's question proudly.

"Really? That's it?" Keith looked at Jake in shock, But before he could answer Macy looked up from her book, placing her finger on the spot where she was and shook her head,

"No, you're missing one" Macy stated. Jake looked at her like she had just grown another head, No he hadn't missed anyone, he had gone out with all of them. Macy sighed,

"What about Rose? Have you banged her?" she cringed when the word banged escaped her lips. Susan clicked her tongue,

"Nope, guess you haven't gone out with everyone" Jake face-palmed while Keith snapped his fingers,

"Oh! Is that the girl who doesn't talk to anyone? That Rose Torres chick?" Macy nodded,

"The rebel? Yep, that's her"

"Fuck," Jake grumbled under his breath, this was going to be a challenge. Rose didn't talk to anyone, and she would rip whoever- talked- shit to her's face off.

"Damn man, I feel bad for you" Keith patted Jake on the back, throwing him a sad look. Jake nodded,

"I feel bad for myself to" Susan laughed before throwing a fry at Jake,

"And I'm over here thinking you're the player" Jake frowned, He was the player! But that girl was just so damn difficult. He didn't know how he could possibly bang that chick if he couldn't even look at her for more than 10 seconds with out her busting his balls.

"I am the player! Don't you guys worry, I'll bang her" He stated with confidence. Macy rolled her pale brown eyes,

"No you won't"

"Yea I will! I'll even make her fall in love with me, since she's the last one, She gets something extra." He grinned before continuing.

"It isn't that hard to fall in love with me, I'm irresistible." Jake said while his hand motioned to himself.

Susan rolled her eyes,

"Riight, I don't think anyone could tame the rebel, she's untamable," Susan said. Jake shook his head, a twinkle of mischievousness in his dark green eyes,

"Oh she's tamable alright. Don't worry, I'll be the one to tame the rebel, mark my words"

* * * *

Author's Note: phew! Dang it's hard to write so many characters at the same time. But there you have it! The first chapter of Taming the Rebel! I'm so excited :)

I'm not going to be writing this story until probably November or December but I Still wanted to give you guys something other than the description to work with.

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Don't forget to add to your library or reading list if you're interested in reading this when it begins.

Thanks for Reading! - Amy :*

Jake Colliins on the Side ->

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