Chapter 16 ~ "Jake just needs to calm down before he has kittens."

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Chapter 16 ~ " Jake just needs to calm down before he has kittens."

After that day at the park, Rose and Jace just weren't the same anymore. Sure he still called her Rosie and he still spoke to her, but there was always that distant look in his eyes. Rose didn't know what it was; but it disappointed her that her brother had begun to treat her differently.

At times she craved to ask him if he was still seeing that guy and if he was telling horrible things to him. That guy who looked so much like him, but she knew it couldn't be possible, he was miles away.But she didn't, knowing that it will just make things worst.

There was one day when Rose came home from school that she found her mother sitting at the kitchen table grinning from ear to ear. Her eyes had a different spark in them and her posture was different; she stood tall and proud.

She had finally found a job.

"Mom, why are you smiling so big?" Rose had asked, setting her bag on the table. Her mother had stood up and let out a squeal.

"I found a job!" She had exclaimed, "It's perfect! I go to work and get to drop Jace off and pick him up! Isn't that wonderful?"

Rose had already been grinning just like her and her shoulders slumped as she let out a sigh of relief. No more interviews for her.

But then she thought about what her mom said; she would be picking Jace up and Dropping him off. She couldn't help but feel a bit sad because it was the only time she had with Jace before he locked himself in his room.

Nonetheless, she let out a joyful squeal and joined her mother's excitement.

After that, the days passed in a blur. Rose caught up with all her classes and formed a tight bond with Keith, Susan and Macy. Jake was still her friend, and yes she actually called him that. Even though sometimes she seemed to feel very weirdly towards this friend of hers.

It was now New Years Eve and Rose was sitting at home with her family. There was only about 2 hours left till midnight and her and her family were scattered around the couch with popcorn in a bowl, chocolates in a another and some potato chips in the others. The tv was on and they were just waiting for the big ball to drop in Times Square.

That was until there was a knock on their door. Rose turned to face her mom with a quirked eyebrow.

"Are you expecting someone?" She asked. Stacy shook her head no and frowned.

"No I'm not, would you like me to go check out who it is?"

"No that's fine I'll go."

She stood up from her seat -only wearing her grey sweats and a black tank top- and opened the door.

Standing infront of her were Susan Taylor and Jake Collins. They were all dressed up and Rose couldn't help but trail her eyes down Jake's body. He was just in some jeans and a fitted black botton down shirt but man, did he make that look good.

Susan was wearing a very tight navy blue dress that reached just a little above her knees. She had put her blonde hair up in a neat bun and her feet were inside some black pumps.

She looked gorgeous.

"Um hey guys, what exactly-"

Rose started but then Susan let out a squeal as she looked at what she was wearing.

"Jake! You didn't tell her about the party?"

Rose winced at her loud voice and muttered: "Christ my eardrums."

"Um no?" Jake looked around nervously as the blonde glared up at him.

"You're such a dumbass, now go wait in the car while I get her ready."

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