Chapter 10 ~ "Don't ruin the moment, Collins"

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Chapter 10 ~ "Don't ruin the moment, Collins"


"Susan," Rose groaned, "Please don't sing this song,"

"We! Are never ever ever, getting back together! Wee ee!" Susan sang, whipping her head around all over the place. Rose hit her head on the window,

"Make it stop!"

"You go talk to my friends, talk to your friends, talk to me! But wee ee! Are never ever ever ever, getting back together," The blonde girl continued singing at the top of her lungs. She glanced at Rose who kept hitting herself on the window,

"Your so boring, Rose"

"That song is terrible"

Susan frowned, "Party pooper," she said before sticking her tongue out. Rose rolled her eyes and looked down at her jersey.

Yep, Susan had personally gone to her house and dragged her down the stairs- just so she can go to the football game.

She was currently wearing Susan's crush's -she never said that, but Rose knew she had a crush on him- Jersey.

Apparently he had two, so her and Rose we're both wearing a green and yellow jersey with the number 24 on them.

"Are you sure Jeremy is okay with me wearing his Jersey? I mean, You're the girl friend after all" Rose said, smiling mischievously. Susan gasped, pulling into the parking lot.

"He's not my boy friend! He's just uh- my- uh friend that's a guy,"

Rose rolled her eyes, "Right, that definitely explains why you're blushing"

"It's just hot"

"It's the middle of fall, " Susan huffed before getting out of the car and slamming the door behind her.

"That's not fair! Why don't you blush when I talk about Jake?" Susan protested, walking towards the bleachers with Rose.

"That's because I don't like him, or anyone for that matter - unlike like someone-" She fake coughed,

"Susan," She said under her breath. But Susan just rolled her eyes and pointed towards the brunette who had come to join them.

"Look there's Macy!"

* * *

Macy was wearing a jersey too- it had the number 16 on the back. When Susan asked who it was Macy looked away and mumbled, "Keith's"

They now sat on the bleachers, waiting for the game to begin. Susan had asked if anybody had wanted anything but not being hungry, Rose said no.

When the game started, Rose slumped back in her seat. She couldn't help but feel bored- she didn't understand what the hell was happening.

"Touchdown!" The crowd roared and Susan and Macy stood up beside her and began to yell with the others.

Rose's brown eyes scanned the field. She noticed number 16 -Keith- go up to number 13 and fist bump.

"That's Jake." Susan said once she sat down again. Rose gave her a bored look but nodded anyways.

She couldn't help but search for her in the crowd. And when her eyes landed on a girl with the Jersey number 13 on, she scowled.

Fuck you Jake, for making me feel like this, she thought.

Putting her attention back on the field, she saw Jake's green eyes scan the crowd. When they landed on her instantly his eyes widened. But the. He recovered and sent a wink in her direction causing her to scowl and turn her head.

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