Chapter 4 ~ "Can I get a good night kiss?"

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*Dedicated to Kpgcatlover (Kay) because she's one of my favorite Authours on here! Good luck with NaNoWriMo ! Go check out her story Awkwardly Adorable.

*Cover on the side by Casielina--->

Chapter 4 ~ "Can I get a good night kiss?"

Not edited- excuse the mistakes ♥


"Collins, Move" Rose commanded, crossing her arms. Jake was lying in the middle of the bed, his arns and legs spread out leaving Rose no room to sleep.

Jake chuckled, "Sorry Baby girl, but I'm not moving," He closed his eyes and sighed dramatically. He wad lying on his stomach wearing his boxers.

Rose on the other hand had actually taken a shower- obviously with Jake locking her in thete and not letting her come out until she was showered.

She was wearing just his hoodie from before, and a pair of leggings that she had under her jeans.

She wasn't going to walk around in just a hoodie.

Rose groaned as she tried to push Jake off the bed, "Collins, I'm fucking tired, move your fat ass off the bed,"

"Go sleep on the floor," Rose gaped at him.

"Collins!" She screeched, pushing as hard as she could. But Jake just laughed and stayed right where he was

"Baby girl!" He mocked her making her eyes narrow.

Rose let out a huff before walking away from the bed and starting to grab her bag. This caught Jake's attention. He lifted his head up following her with his eyes.

"What're you doing?"

"I'm leaving,"

"No you're not, it's like raining bricks out there," He pointed out looking at her like she was crazy. No way in hell would he let go out in this weather- let alone in the dark.

Rose shrugged, "I don't care," She shoved her bag up her shoulder and made her way towards the door. But before she even reached the door knob Jake leaped out of bed, wrapping his arms around her from behind.

"I said you're not leaving, Rose" Roses heart almost jumped out of chest. He called her Rose. That sentence- it was familiar. She pushed at his chest while he pulled her over to the bed - causing her bag to land on the floor. But his arms tightened around her as she thrashed and she was scared.

No, terrified.

She didn't know if she was imagining it- but she saw his eyes darken, just like his.

No, She thought. I'm not going to let this happen again.

"Stop!" It was like she was a different person.

She aimed a punch at Jake's face, but missed. Each push, kick and shove was worthless- he was to strong for her.

Though it was when Jake threw her on the bed and climbed on top of her that she dropped her hands. She couldn't fight back anymore, she was exhausted.

Jake hovered over her small body, and When Rose's big brown eyes met his he noticed something he never thaught he'd see.

Rose Torres cry.

Jake took in her face. She seemed panicked and before he thought he saw frustration- now its fear.

His eyes softened when he saw her close her eyes.

She was fighting back tears. Jake's heart broke, "Baby girl," He whispered.

"Baby girl, what's wrong?" He asked her. She didn't speak though, she was to busy trying to breathe.

How could I have let this boy so near me?, She thought.

She wasn't going to cry. She was supposed to push him off.

Get a hold of yourself Torres.

"Get off," She said. Jake's brows furrowed. He brushed a piece of hair out of her face, which caused her to flinch.

"Get off!" She snapped, opening her eyes. They didn't hold fear anymore- no she wasn't scared, she was mad.

Jake gulped, and rolled off her.

"I'll sleep on the floor," She said, not even glancing at him. Jake watched her again as she grabbed a couple pillows and threw them on the floor.

Was that when she was vulnerable? When men touched her? Was that when her walls didn't exist anymore?

Jake shook his head. He couldn't let her sleep on the floor, " That's okay, sleep on the bed baby girl,"


"Baby girl just get on the bed,"

" I said no!" She yelled. The room got silent and Rose bit her lip,

"Just- Just go to sleep Collins" She said before shutting the lights.

Jake rolled over on his side, did he take it to far? Why had she panicked?

He hated that look on her face.


Aftet a deafining silence, with only the rain being heard Jake spoke up, "You know I was just playing right? You know I would never intentionally hurt you, Baby girl,"

Baby girl. It was back, Rose thought as she looked up at the ceiling.

"Yeah, I know I just- I don't know-" But Jake cut her off,

"That's okay you don't have to explain,"

Rose sighed. She shouldn't of have panicked, her walls had come down for a while and it wasn't a good feeling.

"Though you could explain to me how the hell you took a shower with out screaming, that shit was cold ." Jake said. Rose giggled which cause a warm sensation to spread through him.

"It's cause I'm tougher" Rose said, fighting back a smile. Jake wished he could see her smile through the dark- it was gorgeous.

Jake rolled his eyes, "Right"


"Gorgeous," Rose frowned,

"Stop calling me that!"

"So you want me to lie?"

"Wow you're so charming," She said sarcastically.

Jake grinned, "I know,"

Rose rolled her eyes, "Go to sleep Collins"

"Can I get a good night kiss?"


* *

A/N: Whaaaaat !

A lot of things happened in this chapter and its so short :( Dont worry- I don't think another chapter will be this short.

You guys have to remember this chapter. It will come back because there's a reason to why Rose is a rebel. But I'm not giving anything away ... muahaha !

Anyways, what'd you think ? I think this was my favorite chapter to write- I felt Rose so much it felt real.

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Thank you if you have voted and commented ! You guys have beat my goal and I'm almost at 2,000 reads and I couldn't thank you enough :3

Taming the Rebel reached #930 in Romance today ! Thank you !

Thanks for reading and Happy Halloween!♥ - Amy :*

P. S I'm not going trick or treating this year :( If you are- have fun ^.^

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