Chapter 8 ~ "Man up Collins, You're it"

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Chapter 8 ~ "Man up Collins, You're it"

"That's cheating!" I pointed my finger accusingly at Jake. He gasped placing a hand over his heart,

"Are you calling me a cheater, baby girl?" I rolled my eyes, shifting under the covers. Jake, Jace and I were currently playing Candy Land on my bed. Jake insisted in the fact that I was sick and had to be in bed so here .we are.

Jake had gotten a Red.

Only he went towards the blue- that passed me.

"Yes! That was a red not a blue!" Jace laughed slapping Jake a high five,

"Good one, man" I facepalmed. Guess where he had learned to talk like that from?

It sure as hell wasn't from me.

"Let's play Hide and Seek!" Jace said bouncing up and down on the bed. I groaned burying my face in my pillow as Jake laughed.

"Woah careful Little Man, you might hurt your sister," Jace. stopped jumping and grabbed Jake's hand. He smiled as Jake stumbled after him.

I sighed, fixing the already warm towel on my forehead. I didn't feel that sick anymore- in fact I actually wanted to go play with the boys.

It must be the medicine I'm taking.

But whatever it was, I slowly stood up and slipping my feet into my slippers I walked out of my room.

* * *

Jake shook his head, his black hair falling over his forehead, "I don't wanna be it!"

"But your the oldest!" Jace protested. Rose crossed her arms over her chest, rolling her eyes,

"Man up Collins, you're it,"

Jake pouted. He closed his eyes and leaned his forehead against the wall as he began to count.

"One...Two...Three..." Jace's eyes widened. He looked everywhere as he began to panic,

"I didn't even think of where to hide!" He harshly whispered. Rose snorted,

"Me neither"

"Seven... Eight.... Nine" Jake smiled as he heard the two talking.

Rose wandered off into the kitchen, her brown eyes searching where to hide. Noticing the closet, she smirked before pulling it open and squishing inside.

Her back was pressed against the wall and as she shut the door she prayed Jake would find her soon. It was so freaking hot in there.

Jace placed his little hand against his mouth to stop from giggling. He slid between the wall and the couch, squatting down so his head wasn't visible.

"Eighteen... Nineteen... Twenty!" Jake said, turning around. The house was silent, the only sound was his breathing.

"Ready or Not here I come!"

He wandered around, his green eyes scanning the living room first. Making his way over, he poked his head between the tables and the tv but he couldn't find anything.

Quite giggling was heard behind the couch and was soon muffled. Jake smirked,

"Is that you Little Man?" Without hearing a response he quietly made his way over to the back of the couch. The little boy was there his little hand over his mouth.

"Found you!" Jake attacked Jace's , his fingers tickling his sides. Jace cried out in surprise and then started laughing.

"Okay, Okay!"

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