Chapter 19 ~ "Collins If you fucking drop me you're going to lose your balls."

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*Dedicated to _deniall_ you should definitely go check out her story Artist.

Chapter 19 ~ "Collins, If you fucking drop me you're going to lose your balls."

As Rose and Jake walked towards Jake's car, Jake noticed that his once talkative and flirty drunk friend on his back had now gone silent. He raised an eyebrow and looked over his shoulder to find Rose's head nestled in his neck and her breathing deep.

She had fallen asleep.

He shook his head with a smile. The feelings he had for this girl were indescribable. Somehow, the once cold hearted bitch had got to his heart and stole it. It was completely hers now, no doubt about it.

They made it to his car, and he carefully placed her in the passenger seat. He thought she was going to wake up, but she didn't. He brushed some of her dark hair from her face and smiled before placing a soft kiss on her cheek.

Rose's eyes fluttered open and Jake's eyes widened.

Oh shit, he thought.

"Collins that's not the right way to kiss me, what the fuck are you doing." Jake burst out laughing. She was still half-asleep, and just looking at her was making his heart beat faster. He placed his hands on her thighs and leaned forward, his lips merely inches from hers.

"Sorry," He chuckled. She rolled her big brown eyes and connected their lips together once again.

* * *

"Where are we going?" Rose asked. Jake shrugged and buckled himself in.

"I'm taking you home right?"

"No you can't. I drank. I don't want my little brother to see me like this." She placed her hands on her face and sighed. She was so disappointed in herself for drinking when she promised her family and herself she wouldn't do it ever again.

"Hey," Jake said softly. He placed his hand on her knee and squeezed.

"What's wrong baby girl?"

She removed her hands from her face and met Jake's green worried ones. Rose hesitated for a minute, but instantly brushed it off. This was Jake and she trusted him.

This was the real Rose. The one that had been hiding behind the bitch.

"I promised my brother and my mom I wouldn't drink. I promised myself I wouldn't drink. Then I went and got drunk like a fucking idiot knowing damn well what happened last time."

"It's fine baby girl. You don't have to go home if you don't want to, I'll take you to mine, okay? Please don't be disappointed in yourself." He squeezed her knee.

She smiled.

"Your house? What about your parents?"

Jake looked over at her and smiled sadly.

"My parents died when I was five."

A gasp escaped Rose's lips. She winced a bit for touching the subject.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to-"

"It's fine." Jake sent her one of his smiles and she grinned.

"So you live alone?"

"No. I live with my Grandma and Grandpa. They raised me since I was little."

"Is that who I'm meeting then? Fuck Collins couldn't of I had got a warning, kinda tipsy here."

Jake chuckled.

"Don't worry, you'll probably meet them tomorrow, they go to bed early."

Rose sighed in contentment. This is the happiest she had felt in a while; just sitting there and talking to Jake. She didn't know what they were, but whatever it was she liked it.

She looked out the window as the trees went by and slowly drifted off to sleep.

* * *

Rose's POV

"Collins, if you fucking drop me you're going to lose your balls."

"Always the pervert."

"I'm fucking serious, you dont have to fucking carry me I can walk."

"Dammit Rose, can you let me just be romantic?"

I rolled my eyes. Jake was carrying me bridal style up the god knows how much stairs he had. I know I'm freaking heavy I dont see the need for this, but Mr.Collins here is apparenlty all muslce.

Wait, romantic?

"Why the hell would you wana be romantic? Is me falling down the stairs and rolling to my death romantic to you?"

"You're so dramatic." He huffed. He carefully walked step-by-step up the stairs, which were alot. I knew he was getting tired, but he was just so stubborn.

"You're so dramatic." I mocked hip, lowering my voice. He laughed and loosened his hands on me. I let out a squeal as he tipped me forwards, pretending to drop me.


"Baby Girl!" Jake mocked me, raising his voice higher. He gripped my thighs again and continued up the stairs. I slightly noticed my dress go up a little bit higher, but before I could fix it Jake was already tugging it down.

I faked hurt as I gasped.

"I don't talk like that." I complained.

"I dont talk like that."

"Stop copying me!"

"Stop copying me!"

I groaned. Jake Collins was a pain in the ass. He chuckled and put me down on the floor, watching me as I stopped away from him. He lived in an apartment with his grandparents; and the hallway was really nice. It was adroned with paintings of all sorts on the walls and a nice red carpet ran straight down. I glanced to my right and noticed a-

"Is that an elevator?" I narrowed my eyes at the green eyed boy. His eyes widened before he walked towards me. I sucked in a breath when he came closer, his firm hands gripping my waist. He pushed us back until my back was flat against the wall. The way he was looking at me was making my heart race and the butterflies in my stomach come alive.

Dammit Collins. If this was anybody else I would've had them in a headlock; but not him. Nope, he had total control and I was fine with it.

"I told you, I wanted to be romantic." He lowly whispered. My hands placed themselves on his chest and I felt his heart beat speed up as well.

"You're so fucking corny." I whispered. I looked into his gorgeous green eyes and smiled when he lightly bit down on his lip.

"Only for you Baby Girl." and he slowly dipped his head down and kissed me for what felt like the millionth time.

Fuck, I'm screwed.

* * * A/N: Honeslty so effin upset with wattpad right now. I had to re-write this chapter on my laptop because it wouldn't upload and the it deleted half of it like what the hell.

I hope you guys enjoyed it anyways! And I know - long wait short chapter- but this one had to be short because the next ones are going to be more exciting ! and 25k reads? for me, that's freaking insane, thank you all so much.

*waits for 5sos album*

and did anyone else enjoy all the PDA like yas #Jase getting it on (that deserves a vote right?)

Anyways! Vote & Comment to make my day and Follow because you're amazing, I'm amazing like why not. Thanks for reading! - Amy

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2014 ⏰

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