Chapter 6 ~ "And we danced all night to the Best Song Ever!"

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Dedicated to @itsjarvis for my amazing banner on the side ! Thank you :)

Chapter 6 ~ "And we dance all night to the best song ever!"

-not edited


"And we danced all night to the best song ever! We knew every line, now I can't remember! How it goes but I know that-"

"Shut up!" Rose screeched, reaching forwards and turning the volume down on that horrible song.

Jake frowned, "Hey! I like that song"

Rose snorted, "That song? The one by that British boy band? Yea no"

Jake turned the volume up again, "I think it went oh-oh-oh I think it went yea-yea-yea I think it goes," He sang along, so loud Rose thought Jesus heard it up in heaven.

"That song is the best song ever," Jake pointed out, turning the steering wheel.

"Right, and I'm married to Barack Obama" Rose said sarcastically.

Rose turned to look out the window. She had no idea where they were going, but it must be a very far place because they've been driving for about 30 minutes.

She glanced at Jake from the corner of her eye. She didn't want to say it, like really didn't want to say it, but it was true.

Jake was the most attractive guy she had ever seen.

Way to sound sappy, she thought.

His brows were furrowed right in the middle as he drove so concentrated. She had the urge to press the pad of her thumb right in the middle. His big hands- which ones gripped hers- were gripping the steering wheel tightly.

Every now and then she would notice how he would lick his lips-

She was going insane.

"Are you done gawking at me baby girl? Or should I strike a pose?" Jake said, smirking. Rose scoffed,

"I was not looking at you, Collins so don't flatter yourself," He rolled his eyes,

"Right," Rose noticed that they were pulling into a parking lot.

"Where are we?" Rose asked. Jake grinned when he noticed her eyes light up when she read the sign:

Bella's Ice-Cream Shop

"You brought me to an Ice-cream shop?"She cried in disbelief. She whipped the door open and slammed it shut. Jake chuckled at her enthusiasm,

"Yea- why do you look so surprised?" Her big eyes weren't even paying attention to him- she just wanted to go inside.

"C'mon!" She grabbed his arm, yanking him in the shop.

He had never seen her this happy. It was a completely knew side of her. Following her, he stood behind her as she approached the cash register.

"Hi how may I help you?" The cashier lady asked. She looked to be about her mid 40's.

"Can I order?" Rose asked turning around. Jake chuckled,

"Go ahead baby girl"

Rose smiled. Jake didn't know that she hadn't been to an Ice cream shop since she was little.

And she loved ice cream.

She just couldn't go out often anymore- it wasn't the same.

"Can I have Vanilla on a cone, please?"She asked the lady behind the counter.

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