Chapter 9 ~ " Sometimes I just wanna shove her cake face down the toilet"

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*Since the best comment already has a dedication, this chapter is dedicated to all my readers :3 

Chapter 9 ~ "Sometimes I just want to shove her cake face down the toilet," 

Song on the side : Little Me by Little Mix  - I can't stop listening to it.


Rose's dream*

She felt his long rough fingers wrap around her wrist and yank her up from her seat. Tears were blurring her vision and she couldn't see his face, but she could feel him. 

"I said you're not leaving Rose," He said, spitting in the process. She narrowed her eyes at him, tugging at her wrist. 

"Who the hell are you to tell me what I can and can't do?" She snapped. He chuckled bitterly sending a disgusted shiver down Rose's back. 

"Whoever you want me to be," He smirked before throwing her over his shoulder. A scream erupted from her throat but she couldn't hear it, she couldn't hear her screams. 

"Stop!" she cried, kicking her legs and slapping her hands on his back. But he just laughed and kicked open the door of his bedroom. 

As soon as Rose's feet touched the floor she sprinted - but was caught by a large arm. 

"Uh- uh, where are you going, Rose baby?" She gritted her teeth. 

"Leave me alone!" He once again chuckled amused. Did this seem funny to him? 

Rose gasped as he placed his wet, chapped lips on hers. She struggled against him as he tightened his hold on her waist. She bit down on his tongue making him growl and narrow his eyes. 

"You little bitch!" He grabbed the back of her thighs and lifted her up. He began to kiss her neck and she pulled back as much as she could. 

Her hands were no use against him, he was way too strong for her. 

"Stop!" She cried between sobs. 



"Stop!" Rose sprang up from her bed. She breathed out heavily, before placing her hands on her face. 

The nightmares - no they were back. She clenched her jaw as she remembered her dream. She hated it, it was the worst one. But she hadn't had any for over 3 days. 

Now they decided to come back. She ran a tired hand through her black mess of a hair as she glanced outside. It was still dark, probably about 2 am. 

Her mom would be home soon. 

Rose sighed before slipping into her slippers and making her way towards Jace's room. When she opened the door she seemed to relax a little. Jake seemed to have tucked him in because he was fast asleep. 

With her feet slipping against the floor, she walked to the kitchen to get some water. What she didn't except to find though was a note stuck to the fridge. 

Cocking her head to the side, she tugged the note from the fridge and read it. 

Dear Rose, 

I tucked Jace in. He looked like he wanted to go say good night to you but I told him it was best If he wasn't near you. I saw the soup in the fridge - you should heat it up, It'll make you feel better. 

Btw you're cute when you sleep, Baby girl. 

Anyways I have to go before you find out I'm still here, BYE 


P. S 

And then he wrote his phone number. 
He definitely wrote this before I woke up, she thought. 

She sighed. She didn't know what the hell was up with Collins, but she couldn't help but run her thumb over his number. 

The dream was still replaying in her head. Should she call him? 

No, she thought. 

Maybe her dream was a sign- a sign that she should stop trusting men. She already said she was going to that, but then Jake came along and ruined it. 

Not like he cared about her anyways- player remember? Does anything to get its girl. 

She rolled her eyes and ripped the note into pieces.

* * * *

"Are you going to the Football game?" Rose turned her neck to face Susan. She was actually quite casual today, her legs were covered by dark jeans and she was wearing a plain shirt. 

Surprise, Rose thought sarcastically. 

She closed her locker and gave her attention towards Susan, 

"What football game?" She asked. Susan rolled her eyes, 

"The football game that everyone's been talking about? You know, The Jaguars versus The Bulls?" She walked side by side with Rose. People have them weird looks but she just shrugged it off. 

She wanted to make Rose her friend. Rose clicked her tongue, 

"Nope, I'm not going" She answered her question. Susan pouted,

"Awe but why?" 

"Not my type," Rose said nonchalantly. She didn't know why the hell Susan was talking to her but she decided to not be so mean. 

After all, Susan didn't seem like that bad of a person. 

Rose raised and eyebrow as she noticed Susan's silence, 

"Um, Susan?" She looked at Rose, 

"Don't get mad at me for asking," Susan warned but Rose just shrugged her shoulders. 

"But didn't Uh- Jake as you to go?" Susan cringed. She thought Rose was going to snap at her, because the two hadn't talked or looked at eachother for about 4 days. 

Honestly, she thought Jake had already given up. 

But Rose just tensed and avoided her gaze,

"No he hasn't, you know we haven't talked, Susan" Rose said calmly, trying to not snap at Susan. She didn't ask a bad question, but Rose just hated talking about it. 

After the day she was sick, he started having different girls on his arm. Not that Rose expected less because he was the player. 

But his most recent one seemed to tick her off the most. 

Cassidy Martin. 

The gorgeous captain of the cheerleader team. 

This shit couldn't get more cliché, she thought. That was the last one that got her heart broken by Jake, but it looked like she had no dignity whatsoever. 

Even after the scene she caused in the cafeteria last week. 

"Stupid Cassidy, she's such a bitch," Susan started to ramble. Rose smirked at her new 'friend'. She always seemed to ramble. 

"...and yesterday at the gym lockers she couldn't stop talking about how Jake did this and Jake did that, honestly sometimes I just want to shove her cake face down the toilet," Susan continued, waving her hands around for dramatic affect. Rose burst out laughing and slapped Susan a high-five.

She didn't know having a friend for once would feel so good.

* * * 

"Rose!" Keith yelled, jogging after the short girl. Rose jaw clenched and he tuned around to see a tired looking Keith in front of her. She tugged her leather jacket against her as a harsh wind blew by.

"Keith, don't get any closer," She warned. Keith stopped and raised his arms up in defense. 

"Okay," He let out a breath. 

"Now is there a reason why you're talking to me?"

"I wanted to um- apologize," He said. 

"Look what I did was terrible and I'm really sorry," He scratched the back of his head. Rose crossed arms. 

"Okay," and the started to walk away. Keith panicked and went after her his hand latching on to her shoulder. Rose froze. 

"Keith" She gritted out. 

"Wait no don't leave I'm not done, " His blue eyes looked at the floor. 

"Um, would you come to the football game with me?" Rose chocked on her on saliva. She started coughing,


"Football game, me, yeah?" He grinned, putting his thumbs up. Rose snickered as she shook her head,

"I'm not going to the football game, so no" 

Keith's face dropped. 

"Oh," He shook his head, 

"Um I'll just go-" 

"Keith!" His voice made Rose's fist tightened. Keith raised his arm,

"Over here man!" 

"What are you doing get back to practice!" Rose heard Jake yell back.

Keith sighed before putting his attention back on Rose, 

"I kinda have to-" he started but Rose waved him off,

"Go ahead," she said stiffly. Keith gave her a grin before running back towards the field. 

Rose eyes ran over the field. She saw Cassidy walk over to Jake and running her fingers up and down his bicep she placed a kiss right on his lips. 

Rose narrowed her eyes and turned and walked home. She couldn't help but feel how her stomach turned uncomfortably.

She kept trying to convince herself that she didn't care and that she just was angry at how she trusted him so easily. 

But the clenching at her heart seemed to tell her otherwise. 

* * * 

Authors note: So short argh. But I updated twice woo ! You guys deserved it I hit 400 votes before 2014! 

Woot woot ! 

The beginning of this chapter is like so intense, what do guys think? 

What do you guys think happened to Rose? 


Last chapter got 3 comments thanks for commenting ! 

Oh and Btw- This isn't going to be a Love Triangle. Keith is actually a really nice person he just has his 'boy' moments. 

Oh and you're free to comment your hatred towards Jake. 

Jake you idiot ! 

VOTE VOTE Help me reach 300 in total before 2014 !

Anyways, thanks for reading and go comment your anger towards Jake and Happy New year ! - Amy:*

P.S - Next chapter will be the football game ^.^

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