Chapter 36; Pushing The Blame

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Hazel's P.O.V


    That statement took everyone by surprise that silence fell across the room. I turn to face Teresa.
    "Did you know?" I mouth to her.
    She shakes her head, stunned. "I-I had my suspicions. But I couldn't be sure."
    I turn back towards the hole just as Newt spoke up.
    "What are you talking about?" he asks my brother, still completely baffled.
    "Well, first there's something I have to share," Thomas begins.

    "Something that I've kept from you guys for a long time. About Hazel, Teresa and I. There's a reason why Gally accused me of being the cause of all this stuff, and why everyone who's gone through the Changing recognizes me."
    I expected the Keepers to start asking questions, to yell at him, but the boys just remain silent.
    "The three of us are... Different," he continues. "Teresa and I were part of the Maze Trials from the very beginning, Hazel joined us afterwards -but it was against our will, I swear."

    Minho was the one to speak up this time. "What are you even talking about, Thoams?"
    "The three of us were used by the Creators. If you had your full memories back you'd probably want to kill Teresa and I. But I have to tell you guys this myself to show you that we can be trusted. So you'll believe me when I tell you the only way we can get out of this place." Thomas stops, scanning the faces of the Keepers for a reaction, but they just stare back at him, waiting for him to continue.

    Thoams took a deep breath, as if preparing to say something that he dreaded to. "The three of us helped to design the Maze. We helped create the entire thing."
    I glance at Teresa, hoping that what he was saying wasn't true, but Teresa had the same look as Thomas does on her face and my heart sinks.
    No. No, I refuse to believe that I had any part in creating this terrible place. I couldn't have. I-
    "What the bloody hell is that supposed to mean?" Newt exclaims after what feels like forever. "You're a kid. You're barely eighteen. How could you have created the Maze?!"

    "We- We were very smart. And I think that was part of the Variables. But most importantly, the three of us have a... Gift. Which made us very important to the creation of the Maze," Thomas says.
    "What else is there?" Newt yells. "Tell us!"
    "We're telepathic! We can speak to each other in our shucking heads!" Thomas blurts out.
    Newt just blinks, unbelieving and someone in the room coughed.

    "But believe me," my brother continues. "They forced to help -Hazel especially. I don't know the whole story but somehow they managed to make us help them. Maybe it was part of the test, to make you guys trust us in order for us to find the way out together. Whatever the reason is, we managed to figure out what the code is with the help of your Maps, and we need to use it now."
    The Keepers in the room looked at Thomas in disbelief. But none of their reactions mattered to me as much as Newt's reaction did.

    My boyfriend had a look of hurt etched on his face. A look that I'd always be able to recognize no matter how much he tired to hide it.
    "It's true, and I'm sorry," Thomas continued after a few seconds. "But I can tell you that we're all in the same boat now. My sister, Teresa and I can die as easily as the rest of you. But the Creators have seen enough -it's time for the final test. It's time for us to escape. I guess I needed to go thorough the Changing to be able to figure all of this out."

    I bit my bottom lip, watching as Newt shook his head. I couldn't tell if he was about to yell at my brother or to defend him. Everyone's eyes were on Newt as he turned around to face the other Keepers. "The bloody Creators did this to us. Not Hazel, Tommy or Teresa. The Creators. And those bastards will be sorry."
    "Whatever," Minho responds, shaking his head unfazed. "Who even gives a shuck about all of that klunk? Just get on with the escape already."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2016 ⏰

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