Chapter 3; Truth Or Dare

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    Hazel woke up early that morning and realized that she wasn't on the floor anymore. She was on a bed, Newt's bed to be exact.
    He must've carried me up here last night, thought Hazel, sitting up.
    She looked at Newt sleeping figure and smiled to herself, he looked so peaceful.
    It's still early, might as well explore the Forest while I'm up, thought Hazel, getting off the bed as she padded towards the door.

    It was very quite and peaceful in the forest. Hazel closed her eyes and felt a light breeze. The only sounds were the leaves swaying in the wind and Hazel's breathing. Hazel was enjoying the comfortable silence, until she heard a twig snap behind her.
    "You sure wake up boody early, Greenie." said Newt.
    "Well, I couldn't sleep. Why are you awake?" I asked.
    "I need to show you somethin', follow me." said Newt, walking towards the South door.


    "What are waiting for?" asked Hazel.
    "Just wait and see."
    A few minutes later Hazel heard a sound coming from inside the maze.


    She looked past the grime and dust and saw what Newt wanted her to see a large, bulbous creature the size of a cow, and it was headed towards the window! Hazel screamed out loud fell backwards, but Newt caught her before she hit the ground.
    "It's alright, Hazel. It can't get through the glass." Newt comforted me.
    "W-what was that?" asked Hazel, shaking slightly.

    "Grevers, we call 'em. Now you know what lurks in the bloody maze." said Newt, seriously. "Now you know this isn't a joke. You've been sent to the Glade, Hazel, and we'll be expectin' ya to help us do what we've been sent here to do."
    "And what's that?"
    "Find our way out, Greenie," said Newt. "Solve the buggin' maze and find our way home."


    A few hours later, Hazel sat at a picnic table next to Chuck. Although Chuck tried again, and again, and again to start a conversation with Hazel, who refused to respond. She didn't understand anything.
    Why were we put here? How long have they been here, her thoughts were interrupted when someone tapped on her shoulder, it was Ably.
    "Hey, Greenie. Get a nice view of the window this morning?" asked Alby.

    "It's enough to make me want to learn more about this place. When will I get a job?" said Hazel, hoping for a distraction from her thoughts.
    "You'll spend the next two weeks working one day each for out different job Keepers until we know what you're best at. Somethin'll stick, it always does. But for today, your free to do whatever you want." said Ably standing up and walking towards the West door.

    "I'm going to the Deadheads. See ya later Chuck." Hazel said walking towards the Deadheads.
    It was very peaceful in the deadheads although it was a grave. There were about a twelve graves with a cross next to each grave. Names had been carved into the wooden crosses. Hazel was about to leave when something caught her attention. It was a grave covered with a grimy transparent material. She walked over to the strange-looking grave.

    She looked closer and gasped when she saw what was inside, the top half of a dead person lay inside. There were words etched on the glass, "Let this half shank be a warning to all: You can't escape through the Box Hole."
    What happened to him, thought Hazel, looking at the grave again.
    She was about to continue walking when she heard a twig snapped behind her. Then another one, and another one, coming towards her direction. Determined not to show weakness Hazel took a deep breath and called out to the person, "Who's there?"
    Her breathing was getting faster by the second.

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