Chapter 2: The Punisher

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Mature content. Graphic scene. Beware.



I heard a knock on the door and quickly went to open it. It was Taylor.

Taylor is the commander of our warriors, those who fight and hunt down our enemies. He was tall and very muscular with a hairy chest that shows off his masculinity. He had short dark curly hair and a tan skin. He was British and his accent was beyond amazing. He was wearing a white tank top, showing his strong arms for the world to see, and black cargo shorts.

"Ari, I came to inform you that we captured the she-wolf's mate. He's currently in captivity and with the virus."

A smile erupted on my face. "That is the most wonderful news I've received this week!" I exclaimed in delight. "Thank you Tay."

He soon left and I quickly changed my clothes into my Punisher attire that consists of a red shirt and red jeans. Time to pay a visit to my new friend.

I walked out of my room before eating a quick breakfast in the kitchen. I was soon heading to the front door when I saw Kate walked by.

"Hey Kate!" She turned to me before looking at my attire with a frown.

"Heading to your playground?" She asked in distaste. Oh God bless Kate. She hates the idea of a dungeon. She is a Christian girl that opposes the torture of others. I've never seen a Luna so pure. She is just an innocent soul, a small light in this dark world full of pain, suffering and despair.

"Yup. Jessica's mate just arrived." I grinned.

"How did he find her? Aren't the prisoners injected with the virus so that nobody can trace them? Including witches and their mates?" She asked in confusion.

"I used Jessica's blood to try to locate her mate, with the help of our pack witch of course. I then sent some men to capture him. It's the best way to get her to talk as soon as possible." I explained.

I need to know why Jessica is here. She's no rogue, so she must want something.

"Oh..." Kate nodded slowly, my words still processing through her head.

"I'll see you later." I winked before walking out the door.

I walked east for ten minutes, letting the nice morning breeze welcome me, before going on a full stop. I looked before me at the ongoing woods and smiled. You gotta love your witches.

It is unusual to have a willing witch in a  pack. Witches hate werewolves and vampires with a passion, but there are those who are more sympathetic than others.

When my father was alpha of our pack, he was able to gain the trust and alliance from an entire coven, the Russo Coven. They help us with spells while we offer protection and our land to live in.

Our witches cloaked the entrance of the dungeon so that only pack leaders and I can see and enter. I opened the metal door and entered. There were two guards standing by the door. I smiled politely before walking by them through the hallway that led to an elevator. I then entered the elevator and pressed the lower level button. The elevator went all the way down to the dungeon, which was 300 feet underground. Once I made it down, I walked out and made my way to the torture chamber where Jessica awaits. There were another pair of guards by the chamber standing guard.

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