Chapter 13: Prince Kaspar

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It couldn't be.
It's impossible.
It's can't be him. I saw him die. He died in my arms.

"Nathaniel?" My voice cracked.

He looked the same. He still had his beautiful blue eyes and that killer jawline. His hair was shorter and his hair was parted, making his wavy hair flow towards the back of his head. And that gorgeous face... I closed my eyes not believing what I'm seeing. My mind is playing tricks on me.

"Who's Nathaniel?" His voice! Oh God, that's his voice. I opened my eyes and stared at him. He looked incredible. He looks good in that three piece blue suit. He looked confused with narrow eyebrows.

"You... you can't be alive." I whispered. "You died. You died in my arms!" Tears were falling down my cheeks at this new revelation. He's alive.

I was barely trying to move on and now he's back.

"Nathaniel, you died! I saw the life draining out of you! It's been one year! One long painful year without you." Now I knew why Asher didn't want Sebastian here. Asher...

"You!" I pointed to Asher. "You lied to me! You told me that your brother was Kaspar! But clearly that's not true! Why didn't you tell me he was alive?" I was breaking. I was having trouble breathing.

"He is my brother!" Asher cried out. "Nathaniel is my brother. He is my best friend and brother."

"I am tired of this useless talk. Time to finish you." Nate sneered at me. My heart broke even more.

"Nate," I whispered. "It's me Aurora, your fiancé."

He looked at me in disgust. "Fiancé? I would never marry a dog. My name is Kaspar Hanover. And you will die."

His eyes turned black and he lunged at me. Before he could touch me, Taylor crashed into him. They began to fight each other as I tried to control my emotions. I felt the soothing embrace of Annalise and looked up at her.

"He doesn't remember anything. He's not Nathaniel anymore." I shook my head in denial.

"No! There must be a way to fix him. I can't lose him again! I won't lose him again!" I cried out in anger.

'We need to knock him down. Don't kill him.' I mind linked my team.

Everyone jumped on top of Nate as he fought back with full force. I heard growls, sneers and scratches as they fought Nate. He was directly under everyone when suddenly a strong force pushed everyone away, flying high in the air before being slammed against the walls, making them go unconscious. Nate stood up unscathed from the force and turned to me.

It was just me and him left.

"Nate, please listen to me. I love you just as much as you love me. You lost your memory, please try to remember us." I begged.

He walked closer to me silently as he wiped his suit of dust particles.

"I am not Nathaniel." He stated firmly. "Even if I am him, he is long dead."

He stopped inches from me. I can smell his scent of blood, cedar wood and cinnamon spice. His eyes were still black as night. I raised my hand slowly and caressed his cheek. He looked at me with hard eyes as I stared at him with tears in my eyes.

"I missed you so much Nate."

He stepped closer, our noses brushing against each other slightly. My breath hitched up higher than usual at the sudden closeness between us. He caressed my cheek as well and his eyes turned back to his natural blue.

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