Chapter 17: Secrets Unfolded

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"Oh please Ari, don't be ridiculous." She waved her hand dismissively.

"I'm being serious Gabby. The world is full of supernatural creatures such as werewolves, vampires and witches. Everyone inside the restaurant are supernatural creatures. You're the only human here." I informed her.

"Supernatural creatures don't exist."

"But they do. I'm one of them. Why do you think you've never met my family? Why do you think I always smell like woods and dirt? I live in the middle of the woods, where all the werewolves in my pack live. I can shift at will to a light brown werewolf."

She looked stunned. "But how is this possible?"

"Everything started with dark magic. Werewolves were created from a dark curse on a group of people thousands of years ago. Back then, werewolves were uncontrollable and bloodthirsty. Humans feared the full moons, which is the day werewolves are stronger. Another group of humans, fearing the werewolves, turned to the dark witches and asked for help. The dark witches helped the group of humans, in exchange for a newborn baby of the group."

She gasped. "No!"

"The group had one newborn baby, the leader's first born son. In order to save his people, he sacrificed his child for everyone. The witches took the baby and designed a spell that will protect them from the werewolves."

"What was the spell? What happened to the baby?"

"The witches gathered the group of humans and began to chant a powerful dark spell... but it wasn't a spell. It was a curse. They cursed those people by turning them into bloodsucking vampires. They became as powerful as the werewolves. Once they became vampires, the witches gave them all blood to drink to finish the transition. And thus the rivalry between werewolves and vampires was born."

"And the baby? What happened to the baby?"

I sighed sadly. "The baby was killed and drained of his blood to feed the new vampires."

Tears began to drop from her eyes. "And the father drunk his own son's blood without knowing. That's a very sad tale."

"It is indeed. We learn all of the history of the supernaturals in school."

"I thought you said you were home schooled?"

"I lied. I couldn't tell you that I attended a werewolf school now could I?"

"That's true."

"But I'm still me. The same old Ari. Nothing has changed. I was born a werewolf and will die a werewolf. I don't want you to fear me." I looked down at the table. "I'm scared that I will never be able to talk you."

"Ari." I looked up at her. She smiled at me. "I didn't became your best friend because you're human. I became your best friend because of who you are as a person."

Tears of happiness fell down my cheeks. "I love you Gabriella."

"I love you too Aurora." She winked. "In all seriousness, I would like to see you turn into a werewolf."

"Really? Won't you freak out?"

She shrugged. "I'm sure I will freak out when I actually see it. But as long as you don't eat me, I'll be fine."

"Then let's get out of here." I pulled out a $100 dollar bill to cover the check and tip and we walked back to my car.

I decided to drive her to my territory so that I can safely shift, and she can meet the pack and family. There is a single road that we use and that humans use to go deer hunting. To get to our territory, we have a hidden path that takes you directly to our parking lot.

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