Chapter 9: Loyalty

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"I can't believe that idiot! How could he choose me over his pack? His pack!" I paced around the room in a rant.

"Mates are very important to a werewolf." Asher replied as he sat on the corner of the empty room. "Wouldn't you do the same thing in his position?"

No!" I exclaimed. "I will never betray my pack and family for one man regardless of him being my mate!" I sat on the chair next to him that was provided for me. "Pack before mate."

"I am deeply sorry Ari." Asher smiled softly at me.

For the past three weeks Asher would come to visit me with food and to keep me company. At first I wouldn't spare him a glance, but he grew on me. We started talking and now we are good friends.

"Your eyes are so familiar to me. Are you sure we haven't met?" I looked at him intently. He of course was a very beautiful man indeed. Almost as beautiful and perfect as... wait...

"Ash... I'm going to ask you something and you will answer honestly." I started. He cocked his head to the side. "Did you knew Nathaniel James?"

He closed his eyes. "Yes." He opened them up again. "He was my best friend."

"I remember now. Nate would always talk about going out to see you. He would always called you by Ash, never your whole name."

"He always spoke about you." He said with a small smile.

"You weren't there when he got kidnapped. You weren't there when he died." I stated with narrow eyes. "Where were you when he needed you?"

"I didn't know he was dead!" He exclaimed. "I found out he died three months AFTER he died!" Tears were falling down his cheeks. "I started noticing how we would not respond to my texts or phone calls, which is odd of him to not answer. So I came to town to check out what was happening. That's when I found out by police that he had died three months prior. My best friend was dead for three months and I didn't even know!"

I hugged him as we both cried on each other's shoulders. "I wish I had your number. Believe me, I tried to get in contact with you but nobody knew anything about you. Nate had no family since he was basically an orphan. He only had me at his funeral."

"I don't even know where he's buried." He murmured.

"If I get out of here alive, I promise I will take you." I promised him.

"You ARE going to get out of here. In Nate's name I promise I will keep you safe and alive." He looked at me intently as he held my shoulders.

"Why are you here anyways?" I motioned to the empty room that I've been imprisoned for the past three weeks. "Who's your brother?"

He looked at me for a long time full of pain and regret. "When I found out that my brother had taken you hostage, I volunteered to join his clan to protect you the best I can. I'm his little brother and he wouldn't dare to harm me or at least kill me." He looked quite unsure of that statement.

"How is he a vampire and you a witch?" I figured this vampire guy was old and strong. But Asher is young and human, so it doesn't make sense unless his brother was recently turned. But then how did he became so strong and respected at such a short time?

"My brother was... turned into a vampire a little while ago. My brother was a very powerful witch and the vampire who turned him saw that in him." He explained.

"Where's this vampire?" I looked at him full of curiosity.

"He's in the motherland of the vampire kingdom." My eyes widened. Kingdom? Vampires have a kingdom?

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