Chapter 12: The Great Battle

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Today is the day of the great battle against the vampires. Kaspar will die. All warriors have rested and have spent time with their mates. Kate is in charge of keeping the women and children safe. We have an underground bunker in case a war breaks out. All of our pregnant women and women with children under 18 are sent to the bunker with their children. Children become warriors at the age of 18. The rest of the women with no children or children over 15 will also stay in the bunker to protect it in case they are found. I was initially going to be there but I declined and convinced Jericho to let me fight. I need to kill Kaspar.

We got two hours before the full moon and everyone is getting anxious for battle. Our land was full with warriors from all over the country. Jericho stood on a large rock and grabbed everyone's attention.

"Warriors," my brother started with a strong voice full of power, "I cannot begin to thank you all for joining in this fight to save our race and to protect this country. Every single one of you is very significant for this occasion. Never doubt that. We will fight with all our might and give those leeches what they deserve and more. They have been trained to kill werewolves, so don't hesitate to kill them. They are masters of manipulation and deceit, do not fall for it. The full moon is in less than two hours. We go now. I will meet everyone at the area where we talked about to shift during the full moon. Thank you."

Everyone cheered and hollered as many began to speed run to our destination. It was a small shack 30 minutes from where the vampires are.

Let's do this.

We all stood under the darkening sky fully naked, waiting for the full moon to appear bright on the sky. Any moment now and blood will be shed. The full moon is the only time we don't have control of our shifts.

Then, the full moon appeared and we all began to hear the breaking and shifting of bones among us. I felt my bones break apart, erupting a loud yelp from me at the enormous pain. The shifts during the full moon hurts the most because we are the strongest on this day. I had an elastic belt on my arm that held the tracking control that Asher had given me. My face elongated to a muzzle and I increased in height. When the pain was over, we all erupted in a howl. Jericho's large brown wolf moved forward and let out a loud howl. Time to fight.
Sebastian's dark wolf form walked next to my light brown one and licked my face.

'I love you Aurora.' He mind linked me.

'Don't follow me Seb. Let me fight my own battles without you worrying about me.' I looked at him intently, thinking back to Asher's warning to not bring him with me.

'I can't help but worry about you.' He said. 'I love you so much.'

'I need you to be the strong menacing alpha that everyone knows you for. I'll see you again.' He whined a little. 'I love you too.'

I left him there and made my way to the vampire's building were I was captured. Vampires and witches from all over the country ran with us to help fight the battle. They were wearing a bright yellow arm band so that we can identify them on our side. We couldn't risk making a foolish mistake.

Our witches landed on the roof of the building and killed the guards there before throwing ropes down below. The vampires used the ropes to go up to start opening the doors from all over the building. There were four entrances in the building and we were divided in four for each entrance. Initially Sebastian was in my group, but I quickly moved to the opposite side. I knew that he would be too busy looking over my side to focus on himself. I joined Taylor's group and waited for the vampires to open the doors from the inside. It was really quiet.

'Taylor, I'm going for Kaspar. I would like to have you on my side.' I mind linked Taylor.

'You have me on your side. Always.' I nodded my head.

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